Preservation Details
Click Preservations to view the preservations and its properties in a list view.
For a preservation, the preservation task model id is shown if an instance is never started or if an existing instance is already completed. Similarly, if an instance is running for a particular preservation, only the instance is shown in the list view.
Select a Preservation from the list view.
Open preservation task <pr id> dialog box pops-up, if you click on a preservation with an already completed instance.
If recurrence is not set on the selected preservation, a message "Recurrence is not defined" is displayed in a pop-up.
In the Preservation <pr id> page:
You are in Steps Completion tab, if the preservation you selected is in started state.
You are in the Preservation Summary tab, if the preservation status is empty or not started.
Select Reference Documents tab, to view the associated reference documents to the preservation.
Select Non-Compliances tab, to view associated NCs.
Select Assets tab, to view the associated assets.
Execution of a Preservation Task
In the Status column of the Preservations list view, you can find the scheduled status of the task.
You can execute a preservation task using Start Task, Cancel Task, and View Task.
When you start a task which is set as the last recurrence of a preservation model, a warning message is displayed stating "This is the last instance. Another instance cannot be created!".
When you execute a preservation task model, for which a previous instance is executed; a pop-up window Open Preservation Task <PR number> is displayed to select either Execute new task or to Open last completed task.
When you choose to open the last completed task, the smart form displays the last executed instance in read-only mode.
When you execute a preservation task which is outside of the allowed timeframe, a pop-up message is displayed stating " This task is outside of the allowed timeframe. Do you want to open the last completed task?". Select PROCEED to view the smart form of the last completed instance.
When you execute a preservation task with no previous instances and outside of the allowed timeframe, a warning message is displayed stating "This task is outside of the allowed timeframe".
Cancel a Preservation Task Instance
In the Preservation Summary page, tap Cancel Task.
You cannot cancel a preservation task once it is started. When you start a task, the Cancel Task is by default in disabled state.
When you cancel a task instance which is set as the last recurrence for a preservation task in SaaS, a warning message is displayed stating "This is the last instance. Another instance cannot be created!".
When you cancel a preservation task, an instance id is generated for the selected preservation model, and it gets cancelled.
When a preservation task instance is cancelled in the mobile device, the updated status of the preservation model and instance is reflected in the SaaS application.
In the preservations list view, you can still view the preservation model of which the preceding instance was cancelled.
To Set Recurrence on a Preservation Task
If a preservation task model has no recurrence set to it in SaaS application, you are notified stating "Recurrence is not defined".
When you execute the last recurring instance of a preservation model, you are notified stating "This is the last instance. Another instance cannot be created!" both in offline and online mode.
To increase the recurrence limit for any preservation task model, you should set the recurrence limit in SaaS, before executing the last instance.
Once a preservation task model is executed till its last recurrence, you no longer see the preservation task model in the preservations list view.
Execution of Preservation Task in Offline
The functionality of the Preservations in Offline is similar to the Online mode. Some points to be considered when working in offline mode are:
In offline mode, you can see the preservation task model in the preservations list view; though the last recurrence of a task is already executed.
When you open a preservation model for which the last recurrence is executed, it displays a warning message stating "This is the last instance. Another instance cannot be created!". On selecting OK,the smart form of the last completed instance of a task is displayed in read-only mode.