Tasks - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Android Update 19 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Android Help (5.3.19)

Intergraph Smart Completions
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You can view the tasks created in SaaS, and can make changes to them in the Android application.

  1. Click Tasks to view the tasks and its properties.

    Task lists with DS

    Select the C/O search to view the list of checked out tasks. When the C/O is in default state, you can view all tasks irrespective of the checkout status.

  2. When you click the PDF icon of a task, the document shown is dependent on the following conditions:

    Execution Mode

    When a task is


    Digital Execution

    Digitally Executed - Completed State

    The digitally executed form as PDF

    Not complete and Planned Form is generated

    Planned form as PDF

    Not completed and planned form is not generated


    Paper based execution

    Completed State

    Paper executed form as PDF

    Not complete and Planned Form is generated

    Planned form as PDF

    Not completed and planned form is not generated


  3. Using a toggle, you can now filter out the completed tasks or punchlists from the list view.

    • When the toggle is switched on, you can view the list of tasks which include the completed tasks as well.

    • You can use the toggle button from the punchlists tab too.

  4. Click on a task name to open the task summary tab where you can view all the details associated with the task.

    When you select a task which is already checked out by another user, you see a message on screen stating "Cannot be edited as it has been checkout by another user: <username>".

  5. In the Task Summary tab, click Get Location. This will provide the latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates of the tag object in the plant.

    Task Get Location

    The accuracy of the location varies from 100-500 meters of the actual tag objection location.

  6. Click on View Task to view the datasheet associated with the particular task. The datasheet has all the details related to the task.

You can search for specific tasks by using the column search and Search Tasks option. For more information, see Using Search in Mobile Application.

The Tasks Module allows the user to:

  1. View all tasks associated with a project and their statuses

  2. View task datasheet (if performed digitally)

  3. View and/or print task form (if performed by paper)

  4. View task details (existing Punchlist items, and Assets if performed digitally)

  5. Create a punchlist from task summary page.

    Create PL Task Summary

  6. View reference documents associated with a task.

    You can now view third party documents available in the third party document management system both online and offline.

    Android - Reference Documents

  7. Select the PDF icon for the document you want to view. The document opens. To close the document and return to the Task select the Back icon and then the Steps Completion tab.

  8. You can view the task steps in the Steps Completion tab, when the tasks has started.

    Android - Steps Completion

  9. In the Punchlists tab, you can select a punchlist from the list of associated Punchlists.

  10. You can now start editing the punchlist from the Task Manager itself.

How to edit an asset, loop, or pack associated with a task?

  1. Open a task.

  2. In the Task Summary tab, click on the <asset tag> number to navigate to the Edit Asset page.

    When you have an associated pack or loop, you will see a pack ID or loop IS in the place of asset tag ID.

  3. In the Edit Asset page, you can update or modify the asset properties and can also delete the asset image.

If a task has just been created, you will not be able to view the Steps Completions tab. It appears as the task progresses.

How to verify documents from task module?

  1. In the task list view, click on a task.

  2. In the task details form, click on Assets tab.

  3. Click on Documents tab for the related asset.

  4. You are directed to the Documents tab of the related asset details form.

  5. Click on Document PDF Icon icon to view the PDF.

    Click on Document URL Icon to view the document on a new tab of your web browser.

How to edit a punchlist associated with a task?

  1. In the Tasks list view page, click on a task which is associated with punchlists.

  2. Using a toggle, you can now filter out the completed tasks or punchlists from the list view.

    When the toggle is switched on, you can view the list of tasks which include the completed tasks as well.

  3. In the Task details form, go to Steps Completions tab.

  4. Click on the punchlist id <PLXYZ>, from the step action table.

    SHARED Tip You can also select the punchlist id from the Punchlists tab.

  5. You are now directed to the edit form of the Punchlist.

    Android - Task - Punchlist

  6. Edit the required information, and click Save.