Localizing the Smart API Manager Web Client Application - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 5.0 - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart API Manager Installation and Configuration Guide

Intergraph Smart API Manager
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By default, the Smart API Manager web application appears in United States English and formats numbers, dates, and currencies accordingly. Your organization can localize the web application so that:

  • Text in the interface, such as button labels and error messages, will appear in a user's preferred language. For this to work, you must create and distribute localization files for the users' preferred languages.

  • Numbers, dates, and currencies, such as the number of calls to a Smart API and date last modified, are displayed in the format of the preferred language. This happens automatically, even if you have not created and distributed localization files for the users' preferred languages.

The user chooses a preferred language in their browser settings.

Localization only affects the appearance of the display of numbers:

  • Localization does not translate any data in Smart API Manager, such as the name of a Smart API Client or custom header parameter, either for display or on the database.

  • Localization does not change the format of numbers in the database, such as changing commas to periods.

How to create and distribute localization files

The default text strings are written in United States English stored in the locale-en_US.json file.

Complete these steps for each language you want Smart API Manager to support:

  1. On the Smart API Manager web server, go to:

    [Installation Folder]\Dashboard\i18N

  2. Make a copy of the default locale-en_US.json file.

  3. Rename the copied file using the display language code for the language you will be translating into. For an example of these codes, see Supported display languages in the Microsoft Edge Enterprise documentation.

  4. Have a translator provide translations for the value portion of each key-value pair in the file.

    Make sure that the translator:

    • Does not translate the original locale-en_Us.json file. There is no way to restore this file to its original version. Further, changing the language of text without changing the file name will make Smart API Manager potentially unusable.

    • Does not translate the keys in the copied file. Doing so will make the file unusable.

  5. For each instance of Smart API Manager that you want to localize, place the translated file here:

    [Installation Folder]\Dashboard\i18N

When a user logs on to Smart API Manager, it detects the preferred language for the browser and displays text from the matching .json file.