Smart Clients - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 5.0 - Help

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Intergraph Smart API Manager
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Smart Clients are software applications that consume one or more Smart APIs. Smart Clients can be Hexagon PPM software applications, third-party software applications, or custom software.

A Smart Client must request authorization to call one or more Smart APIs based on the identity of its users.

How Smart Clients authenticate with Smart API Manager

To call Smart APIs, a software application must be registered as a Smart Client with Smart API Manager. When you register a Smart Client, you must specify an authorization flow.

The authorization flow you select is determined largely by what type of application you are writing. For example, the Implicit flow works well for web client applications, but the Resource Owner flow might be required for legacy desktop applications.

At the end of registering your Smart Client, the following values are set:

  • Client ID

  • Secret (if required by the authorization flow)

The Smart Client software developer must write code to request an access token—which will be included with each call to a Smart API—to authorize access. Client ID and Secret (depending on the authorization flow) are required when requesting the access token. The source code will differ based on the type of client being developed, authorization flow specified, and so forth.

For more information regarding Smart Client development, see Smart API Developer Documentation.

Smart Client setup

There are two tasks required to initially set up Smart Clients:

  1. Register a new Smart Client

  2. Specify a web page for redirection after a user logs on or off

Smart Client administration

After a Smart Client is set up, administration tasks help you meet the ongoing access and security needs of your company. You can:

If you do not know which Smart Client you need to modify, start with Find a Smart Client.