Footing support plane is above the bottom of the supported member. Footing slab height is an invalid negative value. - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Meaning: A bounded slab footing cannot have a footing plane that is above the bottom of steel on the selected columns. This message can only be caused by either moving a footing's plane after the placement or by a copy/paste operation. Moving the footing's plane may be done by moving the object that owns the plane, such as, moving a grid plane when the footing has the grid plane as its reference plane. Copy/paste can also cause the problem because the paste special dialog does not restrict the plane selection to be above the selected member bottom of steel locations. This check cannot be done because the plane could be selected before the members are selected so they could temporarily be incorrect until all the members are selected.


  1. Select the footing that is in error.

  2. Click Select supported members on the Footing Controls.

  3. Select all the member systems with the same bottom-of-steel elevation that should be part of this footing.

  4. Click Finish (CTRL + ENTER) .

Another option is to delete the footing.