The first shape in a design solid cannot be a subtract shape. Reorder the shapes in the design solid so that the first shape in the list is an addition shape. - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3Dx Help

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Meaning: Indicates a possible problem where this shape was meant to subtract material from a shape that was deleted or moved down in the ordered list. The software ignores this shape during the construction of the solid.


  1. Set the Locate Filter to Solids.

  2. Select the solid that contains the shape in error.

  3. Click Operators List SP3D Equip Operators List ICON on the ribbon.

  4. The first shape in the shape list must have an Operator Type of Add. Move the subtract shape down in the list of operators so that it is not the first. Alternatively, you can delete the shape from the solid altogether by selecting the shape and clicking Delete ICON Remove.