Show grid line dimensions - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3Dx Help

Intergraph Smart 3D
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  1. Go to Menu Choose Columns ICON > Options Dialog Graphic View Options ICON > Grid Labels to open the grid label options.

  2. Select Display Grid Line Labels and Display Grid Line Dimensions.

  3. Select Apply and Close.

  4. Using the System Hierarchy Explorer or the graphic view, select a coordinate system that has grid planes on each axis (x, y, and z).

  5. Right-click the selected coordinate system and select Show Labels S3D_Show_Grid_Labels from the context menu to display the grid line dimensions.

    SHARED Tip Use Select Interactively from the Precision Input ribbon to select a coordinate system. This defines the selected coordinate system as the Active Coordinate System and automatically displays the grid line dimensions. If you use this method, you do not need to perform step 5.


    • Display Grid Line Labels must be selected on the Menu Choose Columns ICON > Options Dialog Graphic View Options ICON > Grid Labels tab. Otherwise, the selected coordinate system's context menu will not display the Show Labels S3D_Show_Grid_Labels command.

    • Selecting Show Labels S3D_Show_Grid_Labels from the context menu displays the grid line labels and grid line dimensions.

    • The Show Labels S3D_Show_Grid_Labels command switches to the Hide Labels S3D_Hide_Grid_Labels command when you select it. Right-click the coordinate system and select Hide Labels S3D_Hide_Grid_Labels from the context menu to stop showing grid line labels and grid line dimensions.

    • Press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + L to show or hide the grid line dimensions for the active coordinate system selected using Precision Input > Select Interactively .