Upgrading Using the Command Line - Intergraph Smart 3D Web API - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D and Smart 3D Admin Web API Installation and Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Web API
Smart 3D Web APIs
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version

You can also upgrade using scripts and command line arguments to the configuration tool.

  1. Save a copy of the web configuration file, found here:

    • For the Smart 3D Web API - C:\Program Files\Smart3D\WebApi\WebServer\Web.config

    • For the Smart 3D Admin Web API - C:\Program Files\Smart3D\WebApi\AdminWebServer\appsettings.json

      Even though the export operation saves a copy of this file, a manual save is very useful for support if anything goes wrong during the upgrade operation.

      This operation can be done only on the computer hosting your web server.

  2. Export your existing configuration on the web API computer. This should generate a configuration file that is encrypted and can only be decrypted by the configuration tool executable:

    • For the Smart 3D Web API - Smart3DWebApiConfigurationUtility.exe

    • For the Smart 3D Admin Web API - Smart3DAdminWebApiConfigurationUtility.exe

      start /wait <ConfigToolExe> /x /f <WebConfigFile> /p <EncryptionPassword>

      You can skip this step if you are not making changes to your existing configuration. Export can also be done without encrypting export file. You might choose this if you plan on making changes to your existing configuration and security is not a concern.

      start /wait <ConfigToolExe> /x /f <WebConfigFile> /d

  3. Type the command below to decrypt a configuration file from a command line.

    start /wait <ConfigToolExe> /d /f <WebConfigFile> /p <EncryptionPassword>

    This will overwrite the existing encrypted file.

  4. Uninstall the web API from your computer.

  5. Uninstall Intergraph Smart 3D if needed.

  6. Install the updated version of Intergraph Smart 3D if needed.

  7. Install new the API version.

  8. Type the command line below to import your configuration from the exported encrypted configuration file.

    start /wait <ConfigToolExe> /i /f <WebConfigFile> /p <EncryptionPassword>


    Type the command below if your export file is already decrypted or if you decided to not use encryption.

    start /wait <ConfigToolExe /i /f <WebConfigFile>

    SHARED Tip Use the /migrate optional argument to upgrade an out-of-date API configuration database. If you are using Oracle and the configuration file does not have the full datasource string, you are prompted to enter the details of Oracle server. Enter host name, service name, protocol, and port.

    For the Smart 3D Web API, you can regenerate the metadata for all web API enabled models after you import the configuration file. To do so, use the command below. This is required only if you have any schema changes during your Intergraph Smart 3D upgrade.

    start /wait Smart3DWebApiConfigurationUtility.exe /m