Smart 3D Service - Intergraph Smart 3D Web API - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D and Smart 3D Admin Web API Installation and Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Web API
Smart 3D Web APIs
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version

Hardware Recommendations

  • Intel Core i7, Quad Core - We recommend allocating one core per Smart 3D Service instance for best performance.

  • 8 GB RAM - We recommend allocating 2 GB per Smart 3D Service instance. Depending on the size of the database you might need more memory for each instance.

  • 5 GB free drive space

  • DVD drive access, either locally or through a network connection

  • 100 Base-T or better network

SHARED Tip Based on testing, a single Smart 3D Service instance can support five to eight concurrent users with read-only requests.

Prerequisite Microsoft Software

  • Microsoft .NET 4.8

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3 or later

Prerequisite Smart 3D Software

For the Smart 3D Web API:

One of the following versions of Intergraph Smart 3D with the 64-bit services option selected:

  • 12.0 (previously called 2018)

  • 12.1 (previously called 2019)

  • 13.0 (previously called 2020)

  • 13.1

For the Smart 3D Admin Web API:

One of the following versions of Intergraph Smart 3D with the 64-bit services option selected:

  • 13.0 (previously called 2020)

  • 13.1

Configuration Possibilities

For the Smart 3D Web APIs:

  • The service does the actual accessing of the Smart 3D database to process the URL requests.

  • Because each Smart 3D Service can access only a single model, you need at least one Smart 3D Service instance per model being accessed. In addition, to increase throughput for heavier loads, you can define multiple Smart 3D Service instances per model.

For the Smart 3D Admin Web API:

  • The service does the actual processing of the Smart 3D database based on the URI.

  • Each computer must have at least one instance of the Smart3D Service. In addition, to increase throughput for heavier loads, you can define multiple Smart 3D Service instances.

For both services:

  • The services can run on the same computer as the Smart 3D web server or a separate computer.

  • If you have more than one instance of the service, they can be distributed across multiple computers. We recommend separate computers for the web server and the service.

  • Our Web API uses NLog to support logging and tracing. You can configure logging levels in the Nlog.config file on both the Web Server and Smart 3D Service machines according to your needs.

    After making changes in configuration, you must restart the IIS application pool and the Smart 3D Web API Service Manager Windows service for the changes to take effect. The Nlog configuration files are as follows.

    • Smart 3D web server - <Web API Installation folder>\WebServer\Bin\NLog.config

    • Smart 3D Admin web server - <Web API Installation folder>\AdminWebServer\NLog.config

    • Smart 3D Service - <Web API Installation folder>\Services\Bin64\Release\NLog.config