The Upgrade Shared Content wizard located in ..\Smart3D\ProjectMgmt\Tools\bin\UpgradeSharedContent.exe upgrades a copy of your shared content from a previous version to the current version. The wizard prompts you to select:
The previous shared content folder to copy and upgrade.
The current shared content folder to copy and then merge with the copy of the previous version.
A target upgrade location for the merged files.
Whether you want to copy 32-bit Visual Basic 6 symbols and content to the upgraded shared content location.
When you select Save, the wizard saves your selections and progress in an upgrade file. Because your progress is saved, you can exit the wizard before you complete all the preliminary steps. The next time you start the wizard, select the upgrade file to continue the steps for upgrading shared content. Alternatively, create a new upgrade file to start the upgrade process from the beginning.
A green check mark () displays beside each completed step when you select Next. Select Back to go to a completed step and make changes. The wizard does not save the progress or change until you select Save. The check mark is a progress indicator. It does not indicate whether you saved the corresponding step.
The wizard displays a progress bar and prompts you to review your selections before you commit to the upgrade.
Smart 3D is stopping the support for VB6 symbols, which are purely 32-bit content. We recommend customers move to .NET symbols for effective modeling in Intergraph Smart 3Dx, which is a 64-bit application. However, during the transition phase, the migrated databases and workflows are still to be supported as they are referring the 32-bit content from their catalog. You should copy the VB6 symbols from old shared content location to the upgraded location during upgrade process for a smooth transition until you replace all of your the 32-bit content with .NET content.
You cannot stop and restart the upgrade process after you select Submit.
After you select Save, select Close to exit the wizard.
When you select either Cancel or Close , the software displays the following message: Do you want to discard the changes and exit? Select Yes to exit the wizard without saving any progress from the current session to the upgrade file.
The Upgrade Shared Content wizard does not modify your existing shared content.