Error Messages: I - Intergraph Smart 3D - Troubleshooting - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Troubleshooting Reference

Intergraph Smart 3D
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In order to create a drawing volume, you must have write access to the parent Space Folder in the Workspace Explorer. Please contact your administrator.

  • Meaning: You do not have write permissions to the selected space folder.

  • Recovery: Make sure you have write permission to the permission group for the selected space folder. Also, make sure that the space folder's Approval Status property is set to Working.

Invalid filter name. Please select a valid filter and try again.

  • Meaning: Either no filter was selected, or an invalid value was entered for the filter name.

  • Recovery: Select a valid filter, or provide a valid filter name.

Invalid filter was chosen. Please select a filter.

  • Meaning: You did not specify a filter.

  • Recovery: Select a filter and try the operation again.

Invalid folder location.

  • Meaning: The file path entered is not a valid location.

  • Recovery: Enter a valid folder location.

Invalid input. A name cannot contain any of the following characters: /, \, :, *, ?, ", <, >, and |.

  • Meaning: You entered an invalid value in the name field.

  • Recovery: Enter a valid name. Valid names may contain alphanumeric characters as well as some special characters with the exception of: / (backslash), \ (forward slash), : (colon), * (asterisk), ? (question mark), " (double quotation mark), < (left angle bracket), > (right angle bracket), and | (pipe symbol).

Invalid input. Number must be an integer.

  • Meaning: You entered an invalid value in a number field. The field requires an integer value.

  • Recovery: Enter an integer value in the number field.

Invalid input. Number must be a valid floating-point number.

  • Meaning: You entered an invalid number in a number field. The field requires a floating-point number.

  • Recovery: Enter a floating- point value in the number field.

Invalid inputs

  • Meaning: This error message is generated in the Evaluate method of the CES semantic for the Shell Expansion AE. The severity of this error ranges from high to fatal depending on the check that is being made by the software. There error is caused by one of the following: Base curve or expansion surface is missing; Q1 of the Expansion System for IJDShellExpansionSystem fails; the intersection curve is not updated; the Shell Expansion System has no content; there was an invalid "last generated" date for the Shell Expansion AE; there was an invalid "last modified" date for the Expansion Surface; there was an invalid "last modified" date for the base curve.

    Any invalid input causes the semantic Evaluate method to terminate.

  • Recovery: Review the error log for more details and determine the cause of the failure.

Invalid log file name specified.

  • Meaning: The log file name cannot be an existing volume, system, or folder name.

  • Recovery: Type another name for the log file.

Invalid log file specified -- check that the path to the log file exists.

  • Meaning: The log file name that you specified is okay, but the folder that you specified does not exist or is read-only.

  • Recovery: Specify another folder in which to place the log file.

Invalid Name. Please enter a valid name for Layout Style.

  • Meaning: You did not enter a name for the layout style, or the name entered was invalid for a layout style.

  • Recovery: Enter a valid name. Valid names may contain alphanumeric characters as well as some special characters with the exception of: / (backslash), \ (forward slash), : (colon), * (asterisk), ? (question mark), " (double quotation mark), < (left angle bracket), > (right angle bracket), and | (pipe symbol).

Invalid Name. The Layout Style name cannot contain the following characters: /, \, :, *, ?, ", <, >, and |.

  • Meaning: The layout style you entered uses invalid characters.

  • Recovery: Enter a valid name. Valid names may contain alphanumeric characters as well as some special characters with the exception of: / (backslash), \ (forward slash), : (colon), * (asterisk), ? (question mark), " (double quotation mark), < (left angle bracket), > (right angle bracket), and | (pipe symbol).

Invalid rule name, please re-enter.

  • Meaning: No value was entered for the view style name, or an invalid name was used.

  • Recovery: Enter a valid view style name.

Invalid Value. Value must be greater than 0.

  • Meaning: The field requires a value greater than 0.

  • Recovery: Enter a value greater than 0.

Invalid view name. Please enter a valid view name.

  • Meaning: There is no value supplied for the view name when the Naming Rule is set to User Defined.

  • Recovery: Enter a view name, or set the Naming Rule to something other than User Defined.

Invalid View Style. The selected View Style cannot be used to create a graphical Drawing View. Select another View Style.

  • Meaning: When placing a drawing view, an invalid view style was selected as part of the drawing view property definition. The selected view style cannot be used to create a graphical drawing view.

  • Recovery: Select a different view style for the drawing view.

Invalid View Style. The selected View Style is of a different type than the View Style chosen during creation of this Drawing View. Select another View Style.

  • Meaning: The selected view style is incompatible with the drawing view. The view style is part of the drawing view property definition, and the view style does not match the drawing view type.

  • Recovery: Select a different view style that is compatible with the drawing view type. For example: If the drawing view is an orthographic drawing view, you should apply an orthographic view style. If the view is a key plan view, you should apply a key plan view style.