Files to Update - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Manufacturing Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Manufacturing
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The SMS_PROPERTIES.xml file is located by default in the [Product Folder]\SharedContent\StructManufacturing\SMS_SCHEMA folder.

The property definitions in the file are alphabetical by the system name of the attribute. The NAME attribute has a parent node name prefix. Because of that, the NAME attribute is organized in the following way:


The property definitions are alphabetically sorted by the "SYSTEM_NAME", but not by the "PARENT_NODE_NAME" to make the file easier to read.

The following example adds a new attribute to the System Definition. It also adds it to the Plate Info Annotation. Because of this, two different definitions are needed for the new attribute: one for annotations and one for the system definition.

  1. Add the new attribute in the appropriate line of the SMS_PROPERTIES.xml file.

    SHARED Tip All system-defined properties are defined in uppercase. User-defined properties are defined in mixed case. Spaces are not allowed in the name.

    The following example shows the property definitions added to the SMS_PROPERTIES.xml file. All of the attributes for these property definitions are required.

  2. Add the same definition to the SMS_ANNOT_PROPERTIES.xml file. By default, this file is located in the [Product Folder]\SharedContent\StructManufacturing\SMS_SCHEMA folder.

  3. Add "My_Attribute" between "MATERIAL_GRADE" and "NO_OF_PARTS".

    SHARED Tip Follow the same naming rules as you did for the SMS_PROPERTIES.xml file.

  4. Use the definitions in the SMS_VIEWER.xml and SMS_ANNOTATION.xml files. In the following figure of the SMS_VIEWER.xml file, you see the "INCLUDE_PROPERTY" node with the same name as that defined in the SMS_PROPERTIES.xml and SMS_ANOT_PROPERTIES.xml files. It is also added to the ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS->ATTRIBUTE_GROUP NAME="GENERAL" node. This tells the Part Monitor to expect this attribute, what it is named, and to get the definition from the SMS_PROPERTIES.xml or SMS_ANNOT_PROPERTIES.xml file. This example provides a default value of "#1". The definitions are different between the two files. When you include the property in the SMS_VIEWER.xml file, you are including the definition from the SMS_PROPERTIES.xml file. When you include the property in the SMS_ANNOTATION.xml file, you are including the definition from the SMS_ANNOT_PROPERTIES.xml file.

  5. Make similar changes to the SMS_ANNOTATION.xml file. Place SMS_OUTPUT_ANNOTATION TYPE="PlateIdInfo", as shown in the following figure. Notice the addition of the INCLUDE_PROPERTY node. Use SMS_ANNOTATION for the PARENT_NODE_NAME. This example uses the same default value of "#1".