Check Manufacturability Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

Provides the following options to check that objects in the model can be manufactured and to generate production information.

Manufacturability Checking Settings Dialog

Shows the rules for the checking process. You can select any or all of the rules.

Check Manufacturability

Starts the checking process. If inconsistencies are found, the message Manufacturability errors/warnings have been encountered displays.

Show Manufacturability Inconsistencies Dialog

Displays the objects with manufacturing issues. The list includes the issue severity, the assembly name, a description of the assembly, and the name of the rule which detected the manufacturing issue.


Exits the command.

Submit Job

Displays a message box asking if you want to execute the repair rules subsequently. If you click Yes, the Schedule [Task] Dialog displays so that you can schedule the execution of the repair rules at some other time.

  • Learn more about Intergraph Batch Services in the Batch Services and the Batch Services Quick Start.

  • Submit Job is enabled only when Batch Services is installed and started on your computer.

  • The data on objects that cannot be manufactured is stored in the session file, not in the model. Problem objects that apply to the Workspace are retrieved when you select the Check Manufacturability Command .