WBS tab (Properties dialog) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Sets options for the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of drawings and reports. This tab is available only when your model has been registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard.

If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, these fields appear empty, regardless of the information defined for any of the drawings individually. Any information you add to this tab overrides the previously defined information in corresponding rows in the selected drawings.


Displays the name of the property.


Sets the current value of the property.


Specifies whether to inherit or override a property in the hierarchy of items in the Management Console. If the property is Inherited, the setting comes from items higher in the hierarchy. If the property is not read-only, you can provide a new, overriding value for the property by changing the behavior setting to Override. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the hierarchy. If you set the behavior to Force Override, the property setting is forced to items deeper in the hierarchy, even if they are set to Inherit.


Project Name

Specifies the project to which the item belongs. In SmartPlant Foundation, a project is the scope of work approved for capital expenditure (that is, a job). In HxGN SDx, the Project Name specifies change actions that are available for the active project. To share 2D documents from the Change Management model to HxGN SDx, you must select a change action from Project Name.

Document Type

Specifies the type of document, such as Civil Plan.

Document Style

Specifies the style of document, such as Ortho for orthographic drawing.


Specifies the discipline for the document. If this is a 3D Model Data document, set the property to SmartPlant Review Document. If it is a drawing or report document, set the discipline to match the type of document.

Allow Publish

Sets the document as a publishable document.

Working with the Integrated Environment

You can only publish documents after the appropriate properties are set on the WBS tab. The WBS tab is not available if your login is not authenticated as valid for SmartPlant Foundation. The properties that must be defined for publishing are: Document Type, Document Style, Discipline, and Allow Publish. See Set properties for publishing and sharing documents.

See also

Properties dialog