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Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version

In this task, the commands available change according to the active window, selected Management Console Command or Detail View Command item, and the specific workflow.

For example, when you edit a drawing template or open a drawing, you control the template with SmartSketch Drawing Editor. You use SmartSketch Drawing Editor menus and toolbars to edit the open drawing template. When you edit report templates, the report menus and commands are available.

In addition, the shortcut menu that displays when you right-click an item in the Management Console Command or in the Detail View Command differs according to the type of item. For example, some of the commands on the shortcut menu for an Isogen isometric drawing are different from the commands on the shortcut menu for a composed drawing component.

For the root node of the Management Console Command hierarchy and folder items that have no child items beneath them, the shortcut menu includes Batch Commands, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename, New Command, Save Package Command, and Properties. If there are any child items beneath the root node or beneath the selected folder, the following commands are added: Create Drawing(s), Refresh, Run Query, Update Now, Print, and Save As. If you are registered with SmartPlant Foundation, the Publish and Revise commands are added as well. If you are registered with SDx instead, those commands are replaced with the Share Documents Command and the Revise with SDx Command.

Also, keep in mind that the main menu bar available in the application varies by task. Some commands available in other tasks might not be available in this one.