Report Templates Folder - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
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The following list provides descriptions of the report templates folders located in [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports on the application server computer. Report templates contain the necessary queries and links to other templates to extract the required information and produce an output report.


Helps in creating a baseline report, which is in turn used with a differential report. A differential report shows changes in comparison to a baseline report. For example, you can view which items have been added, deleted, or modified between the two reports. Baseline information is not currently editable.

Baseline Parameters

Defines the baseline prompts presented when the report runs. Examples include currency or dates for reporting purposes.


Displays or publishes the formatted result of a report. Display information is not currently editable.


Formats the results of queries for reports. This type of template can also refer to formatting parameters if the formatting requires parameters.

Formatting Parameters

Defines the formatting prompts presented when the report runs. Examples include units of measure and coordinate systems.


Provides sample report layouts in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format. The templates provide examples of column header names and overall output organization.


Contains the SQL statements or property-based queries that retrieve data during report creation. This type of template can also refer to query parameters if the query requires parameters. For more information about report queries, see Report Queries to Extract Data.

Query Parameters

Defines the query prompts presented when the report runs. For example, a prompt can ask you for the system parent name.


Creates reports. The report templates contain references to other templates, such as query and formatting templates. You can have several queries for report templates.


Contains XML code that provides a schema for reporting entities and templates.

The following table gives the associated file type for each report template.

Report Template

File Extension



Baseline Parameters






Formatting Parameters








Query Parameters






  • To enable recursive expansion of embedded labels, the report RFM file must set the ToParse flag to Yes, as in the following example:


  • Microsoft Excel uses the extension (.xlsx). However, some of the delivered report templates still use the old .xls extension.

  • In Microsoft Excel, select File > Options to access the Excel Option dialog. Go to the Trust Center category and select Trust Center Settings. Select the Macro Settings category, and check the Trust access to the VBA project object model and Disable VBA macros except digitally signed macros options.

  • For more information about Microsoft Office and service packs, refer to the Microsoft web site.

See Also

Report Queries to Extract Data
Create a new report template from an existing template
Report Templates
Edit a Report Template
Appendix: Report Descriptions