Drawings and Reports - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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The Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports task creates orthographic drawings (by a variety of methods), isometric drawings, and reports from the model. When the 3D model changes, you can update your drawings and reports.

The Drawings and Reports task is also responsible for publishing your drawings and reports. When your model is registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, you can publish volume and composed drawings, orthographic drawings, isometric drawings, and reports. You can also publish 3D model data using the 3D Model Data component.

The Management Console Command organizes the different document types into a customizable hierarchy. Using the component functionality of the console, you can create, edit, update, print, save, and publish the deliverables. This hierarchy of components and documents is also available in many of the 3D tasks, such as Common, by using the Tools Menu > Drawing Console Command. You can perform nearly all your document operations using this command.

Before you can create components for drawings and reports, your administrator must organize the Management Console Command hierarchy with folders for each component type. Then, the administrator must complete several setup steps, including setting up drawing and report templates, creating view styles, creating appropriate filters, and specifying isometric drawing options. Default templates and view styles are delivered with the software, and you can customize them to suit your needs.

It is possible to customize templates and view styles before any objects exist in the model. However, to create drawings and reports, objects must exist in your model. For example, if you want to generate Isogen isometric drawings, you must have piping, cable tray, or HVAC data in your model.

Composed Drawings

Composed drawings are orthographic drawings created in a 3D task such as Common. The composed drawing component, available in the Drawing and Reports task Management Console Command, manages the composed drawings you create. Composed drawings are flexible, allowing you to have views that are managed by a drawing region and associate the views to volumes and other views.

Volume Drawings

Volume drawings are useful for creating general arrangement or construction drawings of areas within the model. In the Volume Drawing workflows, you or your administrator must create or edit border templates. You can place drawing property labels in the title block of the template to fit your company or project. You also must configure the view styles, which are sets of rules that determine how the graphics in the three-dimensional model are represented on the drawings. View styles use filters. You can create a folder of drawing filters, with new, existing, and future filters for each discipline. You place drawing volumes in the Space Management task. You can publish Volume drawings when they are up-to-date.

Orthographic Drawings by Query

The Orthographic Drawing by Query component, in conjunction with the Drawings by Query Manager component, creates drawings in mass by specifying a filter-based query to collect objects for drawings. This drawing type is appropriate for creating detail drawings of particular objects within the model. They are especially useful when creating drawings that use the same style or format for large numbers of similar objects, such as hangers or supports.

Just like composed and volume drawings, you can print, update, save into MicroStation J (V7 and V8) or AutoCAD formats, or publish Orthographic Drawings by Query. When you publish Orthographic Drawings, a viewable graphic file is created; no physical data is published.

Orthographic Drawings by Rule (marine mode and material handling mode)

Drawing by Rule types include design and detail drawings, manufacturing drawings, and assembly drawings. You can use the Drawings by Rule component to create custom drawings, or select a delivered Drawings by Rule package to create your drawings.

Isogen Isometric Drawings by Query

Like Orthographic Drawings by Query, you create Isogen Isometric Drawings by Query by specifying a filter-based query to collect the objects. The workflow requires that you create or edit border templates to fit your company or project. You or your administrator also must set the isometric options for each of the isometric styles that you need in your project.


In the Spreadsheet Reports workflow, you create report templates, which control the content and format of reports. The default file format of reports in the software is Microsoft Excel® format. The Report Template Editor provides the ability to configure your reports to use queries and special formatting.

You can publish Spreadsheet Reports just like drawings. However, the Spreadsheet Reports are published as Excel spreadsheets; no physical data, relationships, or links to any data are published.

  • Microsoft Excel uses the extension of .xlsx. However, some of the delivered report templates still use the old .xls extension.

  • In Microsoft Excel, select File > Options to access the Excel Option dialog. Go to the Trust Center category and select Trust Center Settings. Select the Macro Settings category, and check the Trust access to the VBA project object model and Disable VBA macros except digitally signed macros options.

  • Refer to the Microsoft web site (http://www.microsoft.com/) for information about Microsoft Office and service packs.