The following changes have been made to the Equipment and Furnishings task.
Hot Fix and Service Pack Updates
Added an animated GIF to the Sketch the cross-section for a prismatic shape procedure. (P3 CP:388021)
Version 13
You can now place different types of ports on Smart Interop Object (SIO) equipment component and Smart Interop Object (SIO) design Solid. When the port is placed by selecting the SIO design solids the port orientation will be the SIO design solid and the parent of the port will be the parent of that SIO design solid. (P2 CR: 343197).
The new Copy as S3D Equipment Command enables you create native Smart 3D equipment from Smart Interop Object (SIO) equipment. (P2 CP:374696)
You can now place different types of ports on Smart Interop Object (SIO) equipment. See Place Nozzle Command. (P3 CP:356362)
Information related to Place Imported Shape from File Command has been updated.