The following changes have been made to the Drawings and Reports reference data.
Hot Fix and Service Pack Updates
Added the Seam Graphics property to Seams on Hull Source (HullLinesRuleSets.DefaultRuleset). (P2 CP:376493)
Added Connect to Inside (connectToInside) to the Leader Module properties. (P2 CP:386877)
Added three Ruleset Custom Tests: Port or Starboard, Aft or Forward, and Top or Bottom. Added two Graphic Rules: Landing Curve with Orientation Marks and Hull Intersection. Added the Orientation Mark Rule to Embedded Symbol Rules. Added a view style type, HullLines, to the Define View Style Dialog. Added information about Hull Lines rules under Generic Ruleset Rules in Gathering Rules in Drawings by Rule. (P2 CP 383481)
You can now use the Drawings Check and Repair Utility custom command to update and save templates for existing drawing packages. This fixes an issue where a specific Drawings by Query package and an SQL Report type generated a Report Smart Frame that was too small. (3332246)
You can now place a label at the intersection of two objects. See Intersection Bar in the Shortcut Editor Dialog and Intersection On/Off on the Place a Label Ribbon. (3086913)
Added information on the use and behavior of the Opening To X custom graphic module. (P4 CP:386803)
Combined the extraction rules for isometric drawing styles into one GenericExtractionRule.GenericExtractionRule.dll. See Isogen Isometric Drawings Reference Data. (P4 CP:38904)
Added Placement Type to the Place a Label Ribbon controls. Added the Modify Label Ribbon for editing drawing labels. (2179954)
The Shortcut Editor Dialog now enables you to access label templates from the label hierarchy, which is available in the Label Templates Select View Dialog. Additionally, the Object Types Select View Dialog is now a separate topic. (3601567)
A new option, Check for bad child views, has been added to Select the check to run list in the Drawings Check and Repair Utility Dialog. (3620805)
Added information about the settings necessary when updating profile sketch drawings using the Draw from Manufacturing XML query. (3669924)
You can now switch borders for packages using the Edit Package Command. (3578738)
You can now switch multiple borders at the folder level and at the component level using the new Switch Border Command. (3581337)
The new Switch Border for Packages Dialog enables you to switch borders on drawings packages scheduled for batch processing. (3236226)
Updates have been made to the workflow examples showing the Switch Border Dialog and the Drawings Batch Dialog in Switch a border and Switch a border using Drawings Batch topics. (3978152)
Version 13
You can now open multiple drawings in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor using the Drawings Editor options on the Drawings Preferences Dialog. The Edit Drawings Preferences Command opens the Drawings Preferences Dialog. (P2 CP:122376)
Added the Merge Curves property to Visible/Hidden Edges (VHL). (P2 CP:310465)
Added the Draw Profile Orientation Mark at Ends and Profile Orientation Mark properties to the Custom tab of Graphic Style dialog. See Profile Systems on Hull Source (HullLinesRuleSets.DefaultRuleset). (P2 CP:329905)
Added information about Partially Bound by Target and Partially Bound by Target Plate options to Relation to Target custom test. (P2 CP:349611)
Added the following new ruleset custom tests. (P2 CP:352543)
The new WidgetWrapperEntity.dll maintains Z-ordering for widgets. See Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog. (P2 CP:330204)
Added two graphic rules, Root Profile System and Leaf Profile System, to the hull lines view styles. See Profile System To Draw in Profile Systems on Hull Source (HullLinesRuleSets.DefaultRuleset). (P2 CP:331424)
The Smart 3D Setup Dialog now supports MicroStation CONNECT Edition DGN files. (P2 CP:332884)
Added information about modifying annotation modules created in .NET. Previously, customized .NET annotation DLLs were unavailable in the SharedContent folder. See Custom Annotation Modules in Annotation Modules. (P2 CP:332398)
You can place filter-based clouds in drawings during updates using the new Cloud Rule Manager. See Cloud Rule Manager. (P2 CP:336720)
The software now supports suppressing tangential turn feature edges in duct runs. See Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog. (P2 CP:338181)
You can now customize weld labels using the Label Rule Manager. Previously, you had to edit the physical connection properties for a weld symbol using the Structural Detailing task. For more information, see Symbol Configuration Tab in Label Rule Manager. (P2 CP:333574)
Added information about the new Generic Cutting Surface for Assembly cutting surface definition. Previously, the Generic Ruleset had limitations when using an assembly as the primary input. See Cutting Surface Intersection. (P2 CP:351362)
Added two ruleset custom tests. (P2 CP:354567)
The enhancements listed below have been made to support As-Built drawings capability. (P2 CP:342362 and P3 CP:350914)
Four new isometric drawing styles are delivered with the software: Iso_AsBuiltDemolition, Iso_AsBuilt_WBSDemolition, Iso_AsBuilt_Pipeline, and Iso_AsBuilt_WBS. For more information, see Isometric Drawing Styles in Isogen Isometric Drawings Reference Data.
The new Iso_AsBuiltDemolition and Iso_AsBuiltPipeline packages are delivered with the software. For more information, see Isogen Isometric Drawing by Query Packages.
Added information about the new View Orientation commands. (P3 CP:363992)
You can now modify stale annotation rules using the Stale Annotation Rule Manager. (P3 CP:369610)
The Aspect Height (%) property now allows you to define over-sized widgets for visibility.See Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog). (P3 CP:326879)
Added the Merge Curves property to Resymbolized by Rule Set (see ). (P3 CP:338227)
Added the Merge Curves property to Cutting Surface Intersection. (P3 CP:338229)
Added the ability for distinguishing objects with Space Volume as an input for better selection of objects in drawings. For more information, see Block Location. (P3 CP:350232)
Added information about the stale annotation rule available from the View Style Properties Dialog. See Stale Annotation Rule in Labels Tab (Edit Ruleset View Style Dialog). (P3 CP:357208)
You can now specify a default distance between a label and a connection point when the software cannot find sufficient clear space between the minOffset and maxOffset properties. For more information, see defaultOffset in Clear Space Position by 2D Curve at Margin. (P3 CP:357542)
You can now customize shortcuts for placing labels in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor. See Edit Place Label QAD Command and Place Label QAD Command. (P3 CP:359047)
The Steel Order - Structure.xml rule maintains section and slice views for equipment clipped by a drawing volume. For more information, see Generic Rule Set Rules in Gathering Rules in Drawings by Rule, and Associate Primary Objects to View and Select Additional Objects in Associate Objects to View Command, Rule Set View Style Step-Based ribbon. (P3 CP:350230)
You can now add commands for canceling drawing modifications and preserving the original drawings if the software encounters an error during a drawings update. See Drawings Preferences Command. (P3 CP:363016)
Added information that the Resolution setting on the Raster Setting dialog only controls the quality of the raster image being created. For more information, see Raster Settings Dialog. (P4 CP:332417)
Added a note describing the general differences between the generic rule sets and the steel order rule sets. Also added Customize or Create a Generic Ruleset, which describes the general process for customizing generic rule sets. (CR-CP-349097)