Map Smart 3D walls to PDMS - Intergraph Smart 3D - 2016 - Administration

Intergraph Smart 3D PDMS Design and Data Exchange

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

The following steps illustrate how to map Smart 3D wall composition data to relevant PDMS SpecReference (SPRE), Material Reference(MATR), and Cardinal Points(JUSL) values. This mapping is required prior to exporting Smart 3D wall composition data to PDMS.

  1. Identify the PDMS and Smart 3D walls to map.

  2. Navigate to the [Product Folder]\3DRefData\SharedContent\Data\Translators\S3DPDMSExport folder, and open the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook.

  3. Locate the PDMSWallAdditionalAttributes mapping sheet.

  4. Map the Spec Reference (SPRE), Material Reference (MATR), Grade (GRADE), and Cardinal Points (JUSL) of the Smart 3D wall compositions to the relevant PDMS values.

  5. Save the mapping file.

  6. Locate the WallCrossSectionMap mapping sheet, map the Smart 3D wall composition data to the relevant PDMS SpecRef values, and then save the mapping sheet.

  7. Locate the WallCSAdditionalAttributesMap mapping sheet, map the PDMS design parameters (wall thickness and wall height) to the relevant Smart 3D attributes, and then save the mapping sheet.

  8. Locate the Wall_JUSL mapping sheet, map the Smart 3D cardinal points to the relevant PDMS justification lines, and then save the mapping sheet.

The yellow rows indicate the cardinal points that do not have an exact match in PDMS catalog.