Stiffener Import Workbook - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

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Molded Forms
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12.1 (2019)

An Excel workbook must have specific formatting to import profile stiffeners. The stiffener import-export format.xls workbook is provided as a template of the format needed for each stiffener type. The workbook is delivered to the [Product Folder]\MoldedForms\Data folder. Configuration and Summary worksheets in the workbook are provided only for information, and are not required for import.

Each worksheet represents a type of stiffener and the attributes of the stiffener. When a stiffener has been imported into the model, it is like a stiffener of the same type created using the command in the software. Attributes on a worksheet correspond to attributes on the Properties dialog or attributes created using a control on the software ribbon.

Multiple stiffeners of the same type may be defined on each worksheet. Each stiffener definition must end with a Finish row. Multiple worksheets may be defined in the same workbook.

Sections common to all worksheets:

Header-Main section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Main Tab (Profile Properties Dialog) of the profile ribbon.


Name (Main tab)

Naming Category

Naming Category (Main tab)


Type (Main tab)


Continuity (Main tab)


Continuity Priority (Main tab)


Description (Main tab)

Header-XC section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Properties dialog of the profile ribbon. See Cross Section Tab (Profile Properties Dialog) and Section Orientation Tab (Profile Properties Dialog).

This section is not used on the Tripping worksheet.


Section Type (Cross Section tab)


Section Size (Cross Section tab)


Material (Cross Section tab)


Grade (Cross Section tab)


Primary Orientation (Section Orientation tab)


Secondary Orientation (Section Orientation tab)


Mounting Face (Section Orientation tab)


Load Point (Section Orientation tab)


Landing Curve Projection Method (Section Orientation tab)


Attachment Method (Section Orientation tab)

Header-Bound section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Boundary Methods step of the profile ribbon.

Boundary 1

Name of the first boundary object. If the boundary is a grid plane, define the name using the grid plane name format (see below).

Boundary 2

Name of the second boundary object. If the boundary is a grid plane, define the name using the grid plane name format (see below).


Defines whether the boundaries create an ambiguous solution, equivalent to using the Solve ambiguous boundaries step of the profile ribbon. Type True or False.

SHARED Tip The hull is the most common boundary to create an ambiguous solution.


X-coordinate on the selected solution.


Y-coordinate on the selected solution.


Z-coordinate on the selected solution.

Header-Orient section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Profile Orientation Definition step of the profile ribbon.

This section is not used on the Tripping worksheet.


Sequential number for a point defining rule regions.


The type of point defining rule regions. Type StartPoint, RegionBoundary, or EndPoint.

  • The first point must always be StartPoint.

  • The last point must always be EndPoint.


The object intersecting the landing curve to create the definition point. Type None or the object name. If the object is a grid plane, define the name using the grid plane name format (see below).


X-coordinate of the definition point.


Y-coordinate of the definition point.


Z-coordinate of the definition point.


Orientation rule used at the definition point. Type ProfileOrientationNormal, ProfileOrientationUpDown, ProfileOrientationPortStarboard, ProfileOrientationForeAft, ProfileOrientationPlanar, ProfileOrientationTwistLinearGirth, ProfileOrientationTwistLinearOrthogonal, or ProfileOrientationTwistCubic.


Angle used by the orientation rule at the definition point.


Plane in which to measure the angle. Type ProfileAnglePlaneNormal or ProfileAnglePlaneOrthogonal.


Angle reference plane from which the angle is measured. Type ProfileReferenceNormal, ProfileReferenceUpDown, ProfileReferencePortStarboard, or ProfileReferenceForeAft.

Intersection worksheet

The section order is: Header-Main, Header-XSec, Header- Bound, Header-Intersect, Header-Orient, and Finish.

Header-Intersection Section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Stiffener Profile System by Projection Command .


Type Coincident. This is the required value.


Grid plane used to create the landing curve. Define the name using the grid plane name format (see below).


Type 0. This is the required value.

Offset worksheet

The section order is: Header-Main, Header-XSec, Header- Bound, Header-Offset, Header-Orient, and Finish.

Header-Offset section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Stiffener Profile System by Offset command on the Stiffener Profile System by Offset Ribbon.


Base curve definition. If the base curve is defined by a grid plane, define the name using the grid plane name format (see below).


Offset value for the landing curve from the base curve.


Method used to offset the landing curve from the base curve. Type Girth, Vertical, Transverse, or Longitudinal.

Projection worksheet

The section order is: Header-Main, Header-XSec, Header- Bound, Header-Project, Header-Orient, and Finish.

Header-Project section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Stiffener Profile System by 2D Projection command on the Stiffener Profile System by Projection Ribbon.


Sketch plane method used. Type Coincident or Offset. Other sketch plane methods, such as Angle from Plane, Plane by Point & Vector, Plane by Three Points, and Plane by Vectors Normal, cannot be used for import.


Offset value for the sketch plane if the Offset SketchPlaneMethod type is used. Type 0 if the Coincident SketchPlaneMethod type is used.


Grid plane or object used to create as the sketch plane. If the object is a grid plane, define the name using the grid plane name format (see below).


Type the fully qualified path and the .sha file name containing the sketch curve. If the .sha file is in the same folder as the import workbook, then only the file name is required.

Table worksheet

The section order is: Header-Main, Header-XSec, Header- Bound, Header-Table, Header-IntPlane, Header-Orient, and Finish.

Header-Table section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Stiffener Profile System by Table Command and the Landing Curve Table Dialog.


Sequential number for a point on the landing curve.


Type Definition or Knuckle.


Intersecting object that helps to define two coordinate values of the landing curve point.


X-coordinate of the landing curve point. Type 0 if the coordinate is derived.


Offset value form the X-reference. Type 0 is there is no offset.


Y-coordinate of the landing curve point. Type 0 if the coordinate is derived.


Offset value form the Y-reference. Type 0 is there is no offset.


Z-coordinate of the landing curve point. Type 0 if the coordinate is derived.


Offset value form the Z-reference. Type 0 is there is no offset.


Type X, Y, or Z for the derived coordinate.

Header-IntPlane section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Intersection Plane option of the Stiffener Profile System by Table Command . This section is optional and is used when the coordinates of only two points are known for a landing curve on a plate system with curvature. See Landing Curve Table Dialog.


Grid plane in which to measure the angle used to define the intersection plane. Define the name using the grid plane name format (see below).


Normal to Base Plane. Defines whether the intersection plane is oriented normal to the base plane. Type True or False.


Defines the plane from which to measure the angle used to define the intersection plane. Type Horizontal or Vertical.


Angle. The angle of the intersection plane, measured from the Horizontal or Vertical plane.

Tripping worksheet

The section order is: Header-Main, Header-XSec, Header- Trip, and Finish.

Header-Trip section

Contains attributes equivalent to using the Tripping Stiffener System Command .


Starting object for the tripping stiffener.


Connection type between the tripping stiffener and starting object. Type Connected, Lapped, Parallel, Perpendicular, Transverse, Vertical, Longitudinal, Fixed X, Fixed Y, Fixed Z, or End Connect.


Ending object for the tripping stiffener.


Connection type between the tripping stiffener and ending object. Type Connected, Lapped, Parallel, Perpendicular, Transverse, Vertical, Longitudinal, Fixed X, Fixed Y, Fixed Z, or End Connect.

Configuration worksheet


The date on which the export was performed. This field can be blank for import.

IntelliShip Version

The version of software from which the export was performed. This field can be blank for import.


The name of the active user. This field can be blank for import.


The name of the model database. This field can be blank for import.


The name of the catalog database. This field can be blank for import.


The plate system name. This field can be blank for import.

Number Exported

The number of stiffeners included in the export. This field can be blank for import.


A coordinate system separator character that is not part of the coordinate system or reference plane names.

Use the same character throughout the workbook. "@" is recommended.

Do not use the backslash character. ("\").

Distance Unit

This unit can be meters (M) or millimeters (MM).

Angle Unit

This unit can be Degrees or Radians.

Grid Plane Name Format

If an object is a grid plane, define the name by typing the coordinate system, a coordinate system separator character, and the grid plane name. For example, CS_O@L-21.

Choose a coordinate system separator character that is not part of the coordinate system or reference plane names.

Use the same character throughout the workbook. "@" is recommended.

Do not use the backslash character. ("\").

See Also

Import stiffener or seam data
Import Stiffeners Command (File Menu)