The AllShipCodeLists.xls Workbook defines the acceptable values for attributes in the catalog. The workbook is delivered to the [Product Folder]\ShipCatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles folder and is bulkloaded into the catalog.
Each worksheet described below represents an attribute category in the catalog. Each worksheet has the following codelist values:
ShortDescription - Short description of the value. The maximum length is 256 characters.
LongDescription - Long description of the value. The maximum length is 256 characters.
Codelist Number - Unique number to identify the value. The number only needs to be unique within the attribute category (that is, within the worksheet).
Sort Order - The order in which the codelist values display in the software. If left blank, the order on the worksheet is used.
IntellishipDataIntegrityMsgs Worksheet
Contains error message codes for the Tools > Data Integrity Check command. Do not modify.
IntellishipMsgs Worksheet
Contain error message codes for some error dialog boxes. Do not modify.
Naming Category Worksheets
Each type of object - such as a deck, longitudinal bulkhead, transverse profile, collar, or seam - has a naming category worksheet. Each worksheet contains the naming category code lists and descriptions for the object type. Type and Naming Category display on the Main tab of the Properties dialog box in the software for each plate or profile system and part.
AspectCode Worksheet
Contains Molded Forms view aspect codes displayed in the Format > View command in the software.
PartClassTypes Worksheet
Contains all PartClassType names and codelists used by smart occurrences in customizable reference data. You can add a PartClassType, but do not modify the delivered PartClassTypes. PartClass types used by the individual tasks are listed in the reference data guide for that task.
StiffenerConnectionType Worksheet
Contains all Connection Type names and codelist values used by Structural Detailing rules to define the connection on the start and end of the profile. These values display as Start Connection Method and End Connection Method on the Section Orientation tab of the Properties dialog box in the software for each profile system.
Other worksheets are not used by Molded Forms and are not described here.