Bracket types are based on the number of supports and the attachment method (trimmed or lapped). A bracket can also contain an edge reinforcement, a buckling stiffener, or a flange.
Bracket symbols are delivered to the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\FTLIBRARY\BracketEdgeCountours folder. The supports are organized within that folder according to the bracket types described in this section.One Support Brackets
1S brackets created with Sketch 2D. The 1S bracket has a single support (sketched or reference plane).
Two Support Brackets
2S brackets have two supports.
Brackets can be trimmed or lapped to one or both supports, as shown in the following examples.
Three Support Brackets
3S brackets have three supports.
Brackets can be trimmed or lapped to supports in any combination, as shown in the following examples.
Four Support Brackets
4S brackets have four supports.
Brackets can be trimmed or lapped to support 1 and support 2, but are trimmed to support 3 and support 4, as shown in the following examples.
Five Support Brackets
5S brackets have five supports. Brackets are trimmed to all supports.
Bracket Flanges
Brackets are placed several ways:
As major brackets aligned with reference planes in the Molded Forms task.
As major tripping brackets aligned with supports in the Molded Forms task.
As rib connections on profiles in the Molded Forms task:
As bracket parts aligned with reference planes in the Structural Detailing task. Placement of detailing brackets may be automated in the assembly connection rules.