The SM_BracketReinforcementRules.xls workbook defines the rules for bracket reinforcements in the catalog. The workbook is delivered to the [Product Folder]\ShipCatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles folder and is bulkloaded into the catalog.
The workbook is delivered with the BracketRfmRules worksheet.
You do not have to modify anything in the spreadsheet. The only changes that you may need to make are in the actual implementation of the rule. If you want to create your own rule with a different ProgID, you must change the ProgID field in the XLS file.
Definition Section
Class type as defined on the PartClassTypes sheet of the [Product Folder\ShipCatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\AllShipCodeLists.xls file. Do not modify.
Code list value for the class type defined internally by the software. Do not modify.
Code list value for the rule type defined internally by the software. Do not modify.
Flag to indicate if the rule class consists of a single ProgID or a list of rules. The value is set to TRUE, allowing a list of rules. Do not modify.
Head Section
Defines individual rules.
Name of the rule as it displays in the Catalog task.
ProgID of the class module of the rule within the rule Visual Basic project.
Identifies related rules in different bulkload workbooks that share the same RuleClassType and RuleType values. Related rules are sorted in the Catalog task by the value assigned.