Worksheets such as BPS_1S_Trimmed and BPS_2S_LapBothSupports each define a bracket plate system smart class and rules, 2D symbol files, attributes, and parameters for bracket smart items.
Definition Section
Each worksheet has a Definition section with the following attributes:
Class type "BracketPlateSystemSmartClass" as defined on the PartClassTypes sheet of the [Product Folder]\ShipCatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\AllShipCodeLists.xls file. Do not modify.
Name of the smart class as it displays in the Catalog task.
Code list value for the smart class type defined internally by the software. Do not modify.
Code list value for the smart class subtype defined internally by the software. Do not modify.
ProgID of the of the smart occurrence rule used by the smart class.
oa:[parameter name]
Occurrence attribute that places the named catalog attribute on the bracket Parameters tab on the Properties dialog box in the Molded Forms task. The parameter also displays in the Head section.
Head Section
Each worksheet has a Head section with all or some of the following attributes and parameters.
Name of the bracket as it displays in the Catalog task.
Specifies if the bracket parameters can be changed. Type 1 if the opening can be changed. Type 0 if the opening cannot be changed.
Bracket height, usually measured along the second support.
Bracket height, usually measured along the third support. (3S, 4S, and 5S brackets only)
Bracket width, usually measured along the first support.
Width of a bracket leg, usually measured from the third support. (3S, 4S, and 5S brackets only)
Height of a bracket nose.
A radius on the bracket, such as a curve on the bracket edge, or a small cutout at the intersection of the two supports.
Distance that the bracket laps over a support.
2D symbol file associated with the smart item. Parameters correspond to symbol parameters in this file.
Specifies a graphic file for the part class. You can view this graphic in the Catalog task or on the Properties dialog box in the Molded Forms task in the software. For more information, see Symbol Icons.
ProgID of a definition class module within the smart occurrence rules.
ProgID of a parameter class module within the smart occurrence rules.