Place Chute Shapes Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Material Handling

Intergraph Smart 3D
Material Handling
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Controls parameters for placing chute shapes in the model.

Place Chute Shape

Places the chute shape.

Modify/Delete Chute Shapes

Displays the Review Dialog.

Select Belt Profile

Selects the elevation and side elevation belt profiles the chutes support.

Sketch 2D for elevation layout

Selects the belt profile of the conveyer system, and enables the Sketch 2D control for elevation layout.

Sketch 2D for side elevation layout

Selects the side belt profile of the conveyer system, and enables the Sketch 2D control for side elevation layout.


Displays options for Sketch 2D where you can work with the chute shape. See 2D Automation in Sketch 2D.


Places the chute shapes.

Select Parent

Selects the parent system for the chute shape. Click More to display the common Select System dialog.

Placement Mode

Selects the method for handling chute shapes.

Add, Modify

Adds chute shapes into the 3D model, modifies existing chute shapes in the 3D model, and does not delete chute shapes in the model if they are deleted in Sketch 2D.

Add, Modify, Delete

Adds chute shapes into the 3D model, modifies existing chute shapes in the 3D model and deletes chute shapes in the model if they are deleted in Sketch 2D.

Symbol File Name

Specifies the name of the symbol file.

Sketch 2D Options

Sketching Plane

Specifies the sketching plane. This is the first step in defining the trestle.

Add Intersecting Item

Allows you to select objects that intersect the sketching plane in the 3D environment. You see the selected objects in Sketch 2D when you are drawing.

Add Projection Item

Allows you to select objects that do not intersect the sketching plane in the 3D environment. The objects are projected onto the sketching plane, and you see the selected objects in Sketch 2D when you are drawing.

Sketch 2D

Opens Sketch 2D.

Coincident Plane

Specifies that you want to sketch on the plane that you select.

Offset from Plane

Specifies a sketching plane that is offset from a plane that you select. If you choose this option, you must define the offset distance.

 Angle from plane

Specifies a sketching plane that is at a specified angle from a plane that you select. If you choose this option, you must define an axis of rotation and the angle or slope.

Plane by Point and Vector

Specifies the sketching plane using two points to define a vector normal to the sketching plane and a third point to define the sketching plane position along the vector.

Plane by Three Points

Specifies the sketching plane using three points that you specify in the model.

Plane by Vectors Normal

Specifies the sketching plane as being normal to another plane that you select and having a rotation parallel to a vector that you define.