The Outfitting Cross Section sheet in the AllCommon.xls workbook defines cross sections for HVAC and Cableway.
Cross Section Shape
Defines the shape of the cross section. Delivered shapes are Rectangular, Oval, Flat Oval, and Round.
Symbol Definition
Type the symbol definition for the cross section.
OCSD_Dimension Base Outer
Type the Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE) for the dimension base. OCSD stands for Outfitting Cross Section Definition. The definition applies to all the sizes of a given shape.
Section Name
Type the name of the section. Typically, these names start with OCS and contain the width and depth dimensions. An example name is OCS-10x4.
Type the width, along with units, of the cross section.
Type the depth, along with units, of the cross section.
Corner Radius
Type the corner radius value, if applicable. Units are not necessary.
OCS_Dimension Base Outer
Type the Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE) for the dimension base. OCS stands for Outfitting Cross Section. You can override the definition (entered in the OCSD column) for each cross section size, if necessary.
Type the area of the cross section.
Type the perimeter of the cross section.