Chute Shapes workbook - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 2 - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Material Handling Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Material Handling
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Smart 3D Version

The MHEChuteShapes.xls workbook defines chute shape parts, properties, and attributes used by Materials Handling. The workbook is delivered to the [Product Folder]\MaterialsHandling\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles folder and is bulkloaded into the catalog.

Common Properties

Below is a listing of the common properties that you will see on each sheet.


Enter the part number for the chute shape part. The keyword Name must be respected in the spreadsheet, but it is actually equivalent to the PartNumber. The software uses the part number at placement when the part name is automatically generated. An example is TransitionSectionC-001.

All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog.


Type a description for the chute shape. An example is Chute Transition SectionC-001.


Type the mirror behavior code for the chute shape part. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Mirror Behavior Option sheet in the Codelist Number column.


Type the coded process equipment type for the part. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Equipment Types sheet in the Codelist Number column. For example, 365 is the equipment type code for a vertical centrifugal pump.


Type a definition of the C# .NET symbol you are creating for the chute shape part. An example is TransitionSectionA,Ingr.SP3D.Content.MaterialsHandling.TransSectA.


Type a definition of the C# .NET class you are creating for the Custom Assembly Definition for an equipment part. An example is MHHeadSection,Ingr.SP3D.Content.MaterialsHandling.HeadSection.

Part-Specific Properties

Below is a listing of the properties that are part-specific, meaning that they do not appear on each sheet in the Chute Shapes workbook.


Enter the empty weight of the chute shape part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value.


Enter the water weight of the chute shape part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value.

For equipment, the Weight and CG property Wet Weight is the sum of DryWeight and WaterWeight. The dry weight and water weight values are catalog properties entered on the part sheet for the equipment.


Type the center-of-gravity location for the chute shape part along the x-axis when the part is empty.


Type the center-of-gravity location for the chute shape part along the y-axis when the part is empty.


Type the center-of-gravity location for the chute shape part along the z-axis when the part is empty.


Type the center-of-gravity location for the chute shape part along the x-axis when the part is filled with water.


Type the center-of-gravity location for the chute shape part along the y-axis when the part is filled with water.


Type the center-of-gravity location for the chute shape part along the z-axis when the part is filled with water.