Isogen Fabrication Interface XML (FIX) File - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Isogen Isometric Drawings

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One of the fabrication-specific output format files supported by the software is the Isogen Fabrication Interface XML (FIX) file. Intergraph developed the FIX file to provide a flexible and consistent container for fabrication-specific data. The XML format of the FIX file promotes easy data exchange between the 3D design system and the pipe fabricators without the need to parse Isogen-specific data.

Data in the FIX file, which includes the pipe, parts, welds, coordinates, and keypoints, is sorted and presented in a logical order. Isogen uses this data to calculate information, such as local coordinates, that is required for fabrication. Also, because the FIX file uses the same weld, part, and pipe cut piece numbering as in the drawing, the potential for data inconsistencies is greatly reduced.

To produce an Isogen FIX output file, you must include a FABRICATION-INTERFACE element within the Isogen Reporting configuration file. See FABRICATION-INTERFACE element.

Work pieces

During isometric drawing generation, Isogen Reporting produces one FIX file for each PCF (pipeline or system). The FIX file contains one or more pipelines, each of which contains one or more spools. Each spool is composed of work pieces. A work piece is a container for the pipe, part, and weld objects contained within the spool. The spool shown in the following example includes:

  • three pipes (cut pieces)

  • four parts (weld neck flange, reducer, slip-on flange, and elbow)

  • seven welds to be done in the workshop (welds #3 and #6 represent connections between the work pieces)


In turn, this spool can be split into three work pieces, including the welds that connect them. Each work piece contains one of the pipe cut pieces and any parts that are welded to it.


In the FIX file output, each work piece typically contains the following objects, along with the object attributes from the original PCF or IDF.

  • A section of pipe, that is, a single cut piece. Each cut piece contains any needed holes with a description of the required bending.

  • Welds

  • Parts or fittings that are welded to the pipe

Where possible, the FIX file also contains standard attributes for key properties such as wall thickness, material, and piping specification.

Below is an example of the type of output that can be included in the FIX file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<POD ID="" FIXVersion="0.5">
<UOM Length="mm" />
<Pipeline ID="FIX05B">
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE1" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE1" DataType="String" Value=";1" />
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE100" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE100" DataType="String" Value="AAAD" />
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE156" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE156" DataType="String" Value="YES" />
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE157" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE157" DataType="String" Value="10" />
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE158" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE158" DataType="String" Value="5" />
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE159" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE159" DataType="String" Value="5" />
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE160" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE160" DataType="String" Value="N/A" />
<Attribute Name="ATTRIBUTE161" DisplayName="ATTRIBUTE161" DataType="String" Value="Intergraph" />
<Attribute Name="PIPELINE-REFERENCE" DisplayName="Pipeline Reference" DataType="String" Value="FIX05B" />
<Attribute Name="PIPING-SPEC" DisplayName="Pipe Spec" DataType="String" Value="CS150" />
<Spool ID="1">
<Attribute Name="CENTRE-OF-GRAVITY-X" DisplayName="Centre Of Gravity X" DataType="Double" Value="439" />
<Attribute Name="CENTRE-OF-GRAVITY-Y" DisplayName="Centre Of Gravity Y" DataType="Double" Value="-21" />
<Attribute Name="CENTRE-OF-GRAVITY-Z" DisplayName="Centre Of Gravity Z" DataType="Double" Value="21" />
<Attribute Name="CENTRELINE-LENGTH" DisplayName="Centreline Length" DataType="Long" UnitsType="mm"
Value="738" />
<Attribute Name="FACTOR-DIAMETER" DisplayName="Factor Diameter" DataType="Long" UnitsType="mm"
Value="74981" />
<Attribute Name="IDENTIFIER" DisplayName="Identifier" DataType="String" Value="1" />
<Attribute Name="SURFACE-AREA" DisplayName="Surface Area" DataType="Long" Value="265004" />
<Attribute Name="WEIGHT" DisplayName="Weight" DataType="Long" UnitsType="g" Value="12120" />
<Attribute Name="WELD-DIAMETER" DisplayName="Weld Diameter" DataType="Long" UnitsType="mm" Value="64" />
<WorkPiece ID="1_A">
<Pipe ID="A" UCI="5F9D9D83-8878-4581-8CB0-B84C4F35F349" CutLength="500" CutLengthStatus="Approximate"
NS="4" NSUnits="in" OD="0.0" WallThickness="0.0" ItemCode="PA5BSTD" Description="PIPE, CS API 5L SML,
GRD B, STD WT" Material="Unknown">
<Attribute Name="CATEGORY" DisplayName="Category" DataType="String" Value="FABRICATION"
DisplayValue="Fabrication" />
<Attribute Name="COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1" DisplayName="COMPONENT Attribute 1" DataType="String"
Value="1" />
<Attribute Name="COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE2" DisplayName="COMPONENT Attribute 2" DataType="String"
Value="CS API 5L" />
<Attribute Name="COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3" DisplayName="COMPONENT Attribute 3" DataType="String"
Value="PIPE" />
<Attribute Name="ITEM-DESCRIPTION" DisplayName="Item Description" DataType="String" Value="PIPE, CS
<Attribute Name="PIPING-SPEC" DisplayName="Pipe Spec" DataType="String" Value="CS150" />
<Attribute Name="REPEAT-PART-NUMBER" DisplayName="Part Number" DataType="String" Value="1" />
<Attribute Name="WEIGHT" DisplayName="Weight" DataType="Double" UnitsType="kg" Value="5" />
<Start X="0" Y="0" Z="0" E="0" N="0" U="0" Preparation="SQ.CUT" Allowance="0" />
<End X="500" Y="0" Z="0" E="500" N="0" U="0" Preparation="BEVEL" Allowance="0" />
<Weld ID="1" Type="BW" SKEY="WW" NS="4" NSUnits="in">
<Attribute Name="CATEGORY" DisplayName="Category" DataType="String" Value="FABRICATION"
DisplayValue="Fabrication" />
<Attribute Name="PIPING-SPEC" DisplayName="Pipe Spec" DataType="String" Value="CS150" />
<Attribute Name="REPEAT-WELD-IDENTIFIER" DisplayName="Weld Number" DataType="String" Value="1" />
<Attribute Name="WELD-ATTRIBUTE1" DisplayName="Weld Attribute 1" DataType="String" Value="1" />
<Attribute Name="WELD-ATTRIBUTE2" DisplayName="Weld Attribute 2" DataType="String" Value="5" />
<Attribute Name="WELD-ATTRIBUTE3" DisplayName="Weld Attribute 3" DataType="String" Value="10" />
<Attribute Name="WELD-TYPE" DisplayName="Weld Type" DataType="String" Value="BW" />
<Start X="500" Y="0" Z="0" E="500" N="0" U="0" />
<End X="500" Y="0" Z="0" E="500" N="0" U="0" />
<WeldedPart Type="Pipe" ID="A" Role="End" />
<WeldedPart Type="Part" ID="B552AC6D-EADB-445A-8E83-23BEA342F4AE" Role="End" />
<Part ID="B552AC6D-EADB-445A-8E83-23BEA342F4AE" UCI="53178162-B61B-40AF-8601-8F6B93840CC4"
ComponentType="Elbow-90" ItemCode="EEL90CFSTD-LBW" Description="ELBOW, 90 DEG, FRG CS A234 WPB, STD WT,
LR, BW" KEY="ELBW" NS="4" NSUnits="in" NS2="0" NS2Units="in">
<Attribute Name="CATEGORY" DisplayName="Category" DataType="String" Value="FABRICATION"
DisplayValue="Fabrication" />
<Attribute Name="COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1" DisplayName="COMPONENT Attribute 1" DataType="String"
Value="1" />
<Attribute Name="COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE2" DisplayName="COMPONENT Attribute 2" DataType="String"
Value="FRG CS A234 WPB" />
<Attribute Name="COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3" DisplayName="COMPONENT Attribute 3" DataType="String"
Value="ELBOW" />
<Attribute Name="ITEM-DESCRIPTION" DisplayName="Item Description" DataType="String" Value="ELBOW, 90
<Attribute Name="PIPING-SPEC" DisplayName="Pipe Spec" DataType="String" Value="CS150" />
<Attribute Name="REPEAT-PART-NUMBER" DisplayName="Part Number" DataType="String" Value="2" />
<Attribute Name="WEIGHT" DisplayName="Weight" DataType="Double" UnitsType="kg" Value="3" />
<Start X="500" Y="0" Z="0" E="500" N="0" U="0" />
<Centre_1 X="652.4" Y="0" Z="0" E="652.4" N="0" U="0" />
<End X="652.4" Y="152.4" Z="0" E="652.4" N="-107.76" U="107.76" />
<WorkPieceConnections />

  • The work piece ID is derived from the spool ID and the cut piece ID. For example, a work piece that is based on cut piece A in spool 1 is given the work piece ID 1_A.

  • Each work piece is ordered, or sorted, into the sequence of the Isogen-generated drawing.

  • Where the spool contains more than one work piece, the connection between the work pieces is also described.


All spool attributes, user-specified and calculated, are output to the Spool object in the FIX file.

Cut piece end preparation attributes and the additional pipe length added for fabrication or erection purposes are reported with the coordinates of the Pipe object. The text that describes the pipe end preparation is not fixed but is configured in Isogen.

<Start X="0" Y="0" Z="0" E="4000" N="-800" U="3583.1" Preparation="BEVEL" Allowance="0" />
<End X="1000" Y="0" Z="0" E="4000" N="-1800" U="3583.1" Preparation="SQ.CUT" Allowance="0" />

Attribute metadata

Objects in the FIX file (Pipelines, Spools, Pipe, Parts and Welds) have a set of attributes. The FIX file contains all attributes that contain a value. Each of the following is listed for each attribute:

  • the underlying name of the attribute, which is fixed

  • the user-specified display name

  • the data type (string, number)

  • the units type (millimeter or inch)

    <Pipeline ID="CutPiecesWithFFW">
    <Attribute Name="PIPELINE-REFERENCE" DisplayName="Pipeline Reference" DataType="String"
    Value="CutPiecesWithFFW" />
    <Attribute Name="PIPING-SPEC" DisplayName="Pipe Spec" DataType="String" Value="CS150" />

This list of attributes is not fixed. You can configure Isogen to handle different sets of attributes for each object.