Add a detail sketch - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Isogen Isometric Drawings

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version
Isogen Version
  1. Open SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

  2. Create a new symbol file, or open one of the delivered symbol files (.sym format) and modify it. Use the SmartSketch Drawing Editor online Help to find more information about creating and modifying symbols.

  3. Save the new symbol file, or save the changes you made to the delivered symbol file.

  4. Open Smart 3D, and switch to Drawings and Reports.

  5. Right-click an Isogen Isometric Drawing by Query component or package in the Management Console or Drawing Console, and then click Edit Options to open Isogen Configuration.

  6. On the Home screen, select Detail Sketches in the Drawing Area category tile.

    The software switches to the Configuration View and displays the Detail Sketches option groups in the Options panel.

  7. Expand the Settings option group heading, and set Path to the location of the symbol file.

  8. You must add the \ character at the end of the path location. (for example, [Product Folder]\Drawings\Templates\DetailSketches\.

  9. Set other options such as the file format, label type, and sketch position.

  10. Return to the Home screen, and then click Content in the Smart3D category tile.

    The software switches to the Configuration View and displays the Content option groups in the Options panel.

  11. Expand Detail Sketches.

  12. Click the Show Detail Sketch check box, and then click Show Collapse ICP to open the Sketch Mapping grid.

  13. Map the part classes and symbols. You can find a list of part classes in the catalog by switching to the Catalog task and browsing the hierarchy to Drawings > Symbol Map.

  14. Click Save to update the isometric style file with the new isometric drawing option settings, and then exit Isogen Configuration.

  15. Update the drawing and review the isometric output using the View Extraction Data Command.

The software delivers example detail sketch templates in .sym format to each client in the [Product Folder]\DrawingsIsometrics\Templates\DetailSketches folder. These templates provide an easy way to set up detail sketches for testing and review. The sketches are the proper size with correct positioning of labels, so you can save time by re-using these templates when creating your own.