Override dimension styles - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Isogen Isometric Drawings

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You can override dimension styles in a drawing or drawing template.

We support dimension style overrides, but we do not recommend their use as a standard practice. Overrides are saved in the drawing or drawing template and can be difficult to maintain as dimension styles change. As an alternative, we recommend creating a new dimension style in a reference resource file. See Edit dimension styles.

  1. Select the Tools > Edit Border Template Command and select a template to edit. The template opens in SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

  2. Select Format > Dimension to open the Format Dimension dialog, and select the Units tab.

  3. If the settings on the Units tab are identical to those on the Modify Dimension Style dialog, no overrides are applied to the active dimension style. If a dimension style is changed during a dimension placement command, the override values become identical to the dimension style values. See Edit dimension styles.

You cannot override local dimension styles with the same name as a referenced dimension style. Local dimension styles can be renamed so that the referenced dimension style can be used to place dimensions. Local dimension styles are renamed on the Modify Dimension Style dialog.