Start the Integration Service - Intergraph Smart 3D - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart 3D Integration Service Installation and Setup

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version

Start the Intergraph Smart 3D Integration Service to share the selected model to your HxGN SDx2 server. The Integration Service runs in the background.

  1. Log on with Administrative privileges to the computer on which Smart 3D is installed.

  2. Open the Control Panel, and then double-click Administrative Tools.

  3. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services.

  4. Right-click Intergraph Smart 3D Integration Service, and then select Properties from the shortcut menu.

  5. On the Log On tab, select This account, and then type the domain account name that has Write permissions on Smart 3D databases on the remote Oracle or SQL Server system.

  6. In the Password and Confirm password boxes, type the password for the user account, and then select Apply.

    The software displays a confirmation message.

  7. On the General tab, set the Startup type to Automatic (Delayed Start), and then select Apply.

  8. In the Service status section, select Start, and then select OK.

    Make sure that you have configured the above mentioned steps to successfully start the integration service. Otherwise, the software displays the following error message:"Windows could not start the Intergraph Smart 3D Integration Service service on Local Computer. Error 1064: An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request."