You will use the Smart 3D Generate SIO Utility in Smart 3D to import the Smart Model data into the Smart 3D database as Smart Interop Objects. This involves mapping the custom property from the ISIP schema to the Smart 3D SIO schema. Make sure you have a Smart 3D property to which you can map your custom property. In this example, Height is the corresponding Smart 3D SIO property.
If there is no Smart 3D property to map your custom property, you must add your custom property to a Smart 3D Interop class definition. See Interfaces and Categories in the Smart 3D Catalog Help.
Locate the SPIOPtoSIOMapping file in your Smart 3D shared content folder. The default location is [install drive]:Program Files (x86)\Smart 3D\3DRefData\SharedContent\Data\Reference3DComponents.
Go to the ClassMap sheet, and find the CR3DStair mapping that is mapped to CUSIOStairs.
Open the METADATABROWSER.exe and look for all the supported interfaces and properties. In this exercise, look for CUSIOStairs and check all its supported interfaces and properties as shown below:
On the PropertyMap sheet in the SPIOPtoSIOMapping file, add the property entry for the Height property as shown:
This maps the Height property to the SIO PostHeight property defined in the ISIOStairTypeA interface.
Save your edits to the SPIOPtoSIOMapping file.
To import the Smart Model data into the Smart 3D database as Smart Interop Objects, select Start > Intergraph Smart 3D > Generate SIO Utility.
In the Source Folder, select the folder that contains the generated Smart Model files stabilizer_Custom.zvf and .mdb2 data to convert to Smart Interop Objects.
For Model, select the model in which to add the Smart Interop Objects. You can select any of the models in the active site. The first time that you add Smart Interop Objects, the software updates that model and its catalog. This update requires the regeneration of the model and catalog database views.
Select the Permission Group to which to assign the Smart Interop Objects. While generating the SIO objects, you can individually select these folders and load them with the respective permission group
Click Generate.
When the process is complete, a message displays in the Status box. To view processing results, click View Log before closing the utility.
NEXT: Import Model in Smart 3D