PDMS Exercise: Map a Custom Property and Convert to SIOs - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Integration - HxGN SDx2

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
Smart Interop Publisher Version

This exercise shows how to map a PDMS custom property so that it can be translated by Smart Interop Publisher and then converted to a Smart Interop Object for import into Smart 3D. You can replace the stair HEIGH property used in this exercise with your own custom property and use the steps as a guidel to map your custom property to an existing 3D interface or to a new interface.

About this Exercise

Key components and information used in the example include:

  • PDMS custom property name: HEIGH (stair height)

  • PDMS custom class name: TMPL

Common 3D schema:

  • Mapped target property name: Height

  • Mapped target interface name: IJR3DStair

  • Mapped target class name: CR3DStair


  • PDMS (.att/.rvm source files), Smart Interop Publisher, Smart 3D Generate Smart Interop Object Utility

Spreadsheets and schema files delivered with Smart Interop Publisher:

  • SPIOPSchema.xlsx

  • CustomPDMStoR3DMapping.xls

Before You Begin

  1. Create a project in PDMS containing the model and custom properties to export to Smart 3D.

  2. Set up the Share Service.

Process Summary

The workflow can be organized into the following processes:

  1. Map the PDMS Custom Property.

  2. Translate PDMS Files with Smart Interop Publisher.

  3. Generate the SIO (PDMS).

  4. Import Model in Smart 3D.