Exercise B: Add Custom Schema Objects to the HxGN SDx2 Common Schema - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Integration - HxGN SDx2

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Administration & Configuration
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Let's now add the custom mapped Process_Code property from Exercise A to the common schema in HxGN SDx2.

About this Exercise

You will be using the HxGN SDx Web Client application to add the IRunCustomProperties interface and Process_Code property to the common schema in HxGN SDx2. Make sure the HxGN SDx Web Client API is installed and configured.

Process Summary

  1. Create the change request and common schema objects (exercise)

  2. Add the Custom IRunCustomProperties Interface to the Common Schema

  3. Add the Process_Code custom property to the Common schema

  4. Relate to the change request and regenerate the schema (exercise)