After running the Report Defective SIO Slabs and Walls custom command, you can edit the generated .xml files that list SIO missing property values. The content of the generated .xml file shows you the properties that require input values. Alternatively, you can skip this step and allow the software to use the provided default property values for defective SIOs. To see the SIO defect default values and help you complete the missing wall and slab SIO defect property values, Smart 3D provides a default mapping XML file <SharedContent>\SmartPlantStructure\DefectiveSIORepair\DefectiveSIORepairMap.XML.
Go to your %Temp% folder and open each generated .xml file.
Review and edit each .xml file. You must provide the values for the user driven properties. User-driven properties are those properties where PropertyType displays as UserInput.
When you have completed updating the defective SIOs, you are ready to run the Repair Defective SIO Slabs and Walls custom command.
To help in filling in the missing values for the objects, Smart 3D provides a default mapping XML in your shared content folder: SharedContent\SmartPlantStructure\DefectiveSIORepair\DefectiveSIORepairMap.XML. If you are using your own SharedContent folder, then copy DefectiveSIORepairMap.XML to that location. This mapping file contains all the default property values for defective SIOs.
You can edit the default values in the DefectiveSIORepairMap.XML file to meet your requirements, if necessary.
For all composition values containing double quotes in the name to represent inches, you must enclose the values in single quotes. Refer to the example CIP_4\"_Fc3 value below:
<Object Type='CSlabSIO'>
<Property Name='SlabComposition' Value='CIP_4\"_Fc3' />
</Object> -
For all composition values containing & in the name, you must replace & with &. Refer to the example EBW_Fc5_6"_Air_6"_Batt&Roll_2"_Siding_Vinyl_0.046" value below:
If you leave Value="" blank or as is, then the Repair custom command you run next uses the default value listed in the DefectiveSIORepairMap.XML file.