Run the Report Defective SIO Slabs and Walls Custom command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Integration - HxGN SDx2

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The Report Defective SIO Slabs and Walls custom command generates .xml reports for the following types of defects:

  • Missing Slab Layer

  • Missing Slab Layer Property

  • Missing Wall Layer

  • Missing Wall Layer Property

  • Missing Wall Part Layer Property

The .xml files help you identify each of the slab and wall SIOs requiring your input.

Before you begin, make sure that the Report Defective SIO Slabs and Walls custom command is added to the software. The ProgID for this command is SPSSIORepairCommand,SPSSIORepairCommand.ReportDefectiveSIO. See Add custom commands in the Common Help.

  1. Open a design session in Smart 3D containing PDS or PDMS data.

  2. Click Tools > Custom Commands, and run the Report Defective SIO Slabs and Walls custom command. You must run the command in the Smart 3D host. The command does not work if you run it from Project Management.

    The report creates an .xml file in the %Temp% folder for each identified defect. There can be up to five .xml defect report files created. The name of each file identifies the type of reported defect such as SIOSlabMissingLayer.xml. At the end of processing, the software displays a message that indicates the status of the Report operation. The status of the command is also saved to the SP3D error log in your local TEMP folder.