Associate Layers to SIO Walls and Slabs - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Integration - HxGN SDx2

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If your model contains SIO walls and slabs, you must perform a report and repair process. PDS and PDMS applications do not support layers, which results in the generated wall and slab SIO properties not having associated layers. When you select a SIO slab or wall in the model and view the properties, there are no associated layers in Relationships.

To correct defective slab or wall SIOs, you can run two custom commands to report and then repair wall and slab SIOs to add layer associations and any missing property values. These commands must be run in Smart 3D Host. The optional report and repair process is listed below.

  1. Run the Report Defective SIO Slabs and Walls Custom command to generate .xml files that identify wall and slab defects,

  2. (Optional) Update Generated XML Files to fill in missing property information in the generated report defect .xml files, or allow the software to use the default slab and wall SIO property values.

  3. Run the Repair Defective SIO Slabs and Walls Custom command to update the wall and slab SIOs in the imported Smart 3D model.