Create the Oracle 19.3.0 Database - Intergraph Smart 3D - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Installation

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version

These steps guide you through the database creation process. You must log on to the server as a local administrator to create the Oracle database.

  1. On the Start menu, open the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant wizard as an administrator.

  2. On the Database Operation page, select Create a database and select Next.

    Oracle 19c Create a Database

  3. On the Creation Mode page, select Advanced configuration and select Next.

  4. On the Deployment Type page, set Database type to Oracle Single Instance database. In addition, select the Custom Database option under Template name and select Next.

    Oracle 19c Database Type

  5. On the Database Identification page, enter the Global Database Name and the SID for the database. These names are generally identical and can be no longer than eight characters.

    Oracle 19c Database Identification

  6. Clear the Create As Container Database option. Smart 3D does not support pluggable databases. Select Next.

  7. On the Storage Option page, select Use following for the database storage attributes. Then select File System for Database files storage type. Browse to and select the appropriate file location.

    Oracle 19c Storage Option

  8. On the Fast Recovery page:

    • If the database will be not used in a Global Workshare Configuration, select Specify Fast Recovery Area in the Recovery Configuration screen, and then select Next.

    • If the database will be used in a Global Workshare Configuration, select Enable Archiving, and then select Edit Archive Mode Parameters.

    Oracle 19c Fast Recovery

  9. Select Edit archive mode parameters to specify the location of the archive log files. Select OK.

    Oracle 19c Archive mode parameters

  10. Select Next.

  11. On the Network Configuration page, select Create a New Listener, and type a name and port number. Select Next.

    Oracle 19c Network Configuration

  12. On the Database Options page, clear all database component selections under the Database Components tab. Select Next.

    Oracle 19c Database Options

  13. On the Specify Configuration page, select the Memory tab.

  14. Select the Typical Settings option. The percentage of memory allowed for an instance of Oracle should not exceed 60 percent. If you have more than one Oracle instance on this server, the allocated memory should not exceed 60 percent of the system memory.

  15. On the Sizing tab, configure the Processes option based on this formula:

    Processes » (Maximum Number of Users * 10) + (Number of Oracle System Processes)

    The number of Oracle system processes can vary based on the number of background processes that are running. This number is a high estimate. Overestimate the number to ensure Oracle will only use the number of processes that the instance needs.

  16. Select the Character Sets tab, and then select the Use Unicode (AL32UTF8) option.

    • All Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence products that participate in integration should set their encodings to Use Unicode (AL32UTF8) for the Database Character Set option, and to AL16UTF16 - Unicode UTF-16 Universal character set for the National Character Set option.

    • For more information about the Character Sets options, see your Oracle installation documentation.

  17. Select the Connection Mode tab and select Dedicated Server Mode.

  18. Select Next.

  19. On the Management Options page, select Next without changing the default selections. Configure Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express and port 5500 are the default options.

    Oracle 19c Management Options

  20. On the Database Credentials page, select a security option and provide the appropriate information. Select Next.

    Do not use the @ character in the password.

    Oracle 19c Database Credentials

  21. On the Database Creation page, select All Initialization Parameters and select Show advanced parameters.

    Oracle 19c Show Advanced Parameters

  22. Change the parameters values as shown. Make sure a check mark (Oracle blue override check) displays in the Override Default column.

    db_files 1000
    open_cursors 3000
    os_authent_prefix ""
    processes 1000
    undo_retention 3600

  23. Select Close.

  24. On the Creation Options page, select Customize Storage Locations.

    The control files should be divided among multiple physical hard drives. The database needs this file to start.

  25. Verify that the path in the Tablespaces folder is correct for SYSAUX, SYSTEM, TEMP, UNDOTBS1, and USERS.

    The information in the Datafiles and Redo Log Groups folders can retain the default settings as long as the folder path does not need updating.

  26. Create an additional Redo log file, and set the Redo log file size for each group to 500 MB.

    Oracle 19c Customize Storage Locations

    The Creation Options page allows you to save your database configuration as a template file, and also allows you to generate database creation scripts.

    Not every setting is preserved in the template file. If you re-use template files, check the parameters carefully to verify that the settings are correct.

  27. Select Next.

  28. Select Finish.

    The first 15 percent of the creation process validates the configuration settings. After the first 15 percent of the process has successfully passed, the database creation succeeds without any errors.

  29. After the Database Configuration Assistant completes the database creation, select Close.