Place single hole trace by sketching - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Hole Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hole Management
Search by Category
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)
  1. Click Single Hole .

  2. Select the structure on which the hole trace is needed. You can select multiple adjacent root plate systems. For structures other than root plates systems, Smart 3D uses the last object you select.

  3. Optionally, select one or more equipment or outfitting parts (such as pipe, HVAC duct, cableway, or Hanger with Hole Aspect) that penetrate the selected structure.

  4. Click Accept .

  5. Click Sketch .

  6. If a sketching plane other than the plane of the structural part is needed, specify the plane using one of the following methods:

    Define a coincident plane
    Define an offset plane
    Define a plane using an angle from another plane
    Define a plane using a point and a normal vector
    Define a plane using three points
    Define a plane by a normal vector from another plane

  7. Click Add Intersecting Item .

  8. Select objects in the model that intersect the sketching plane that you want to use as reference geometry. These extra objects appear in the Draft 2D environment.

  9. Click Add Projection Item .

  10. Select objects in the model that do not intersect the sketching plane that you want to use as reference geometry. These extra objects are projected onto the sketching plane and appear in the Draft 2D environment.

  11. Click Sketch 2D .

  12. Using the available drawing commands in the Draft 2D environment, draw the hole trace.

    An outline of the automatically generated hole trace appears as reference geometry in the Draft 2D environment. You can ignore this geometry.

  13. Click Finish on the ribbon in the Draft 2D environment.

  14. Select a name for the hole trace in the Hole name box.

  15. Select a parent system for the hole trace in the Parent system box.

  16. Select a hole clearance rule for the hole trace in the Hole Clearance Rule box.

  17. Use the Opening design type, Opening planning method, and Opening production method lists to set the design, planning, and production properties on the single hole trace.

  18. Click Finish.

You can click Hole Trace Properties Dialog on the ribbon to modify the hole trace properties.