Placing Supports from XLS Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hangers and Supports
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

The Placing Supports from XLS custom command places supports from an .xls file. The .xls file contains information in the following sheets:


Includes information about support part numbers, supporting objects, supported objects, and supports configuration.


Includes supporting object information, such as slabs, members, walls, and structure configuration.


Includes information about pipes, cable trays, HVAC, and supporting object configuration.

The ProgID for Placing Supports from XLS is PlacingSupportsFromXLS,PlacingSupportsFromXLS.PlacingSupportsFromXLS.

After you add the custom command to the Add Custom Command dialog, the Place Supports From Excel dialog displays:

Select an .xls file, and then click Process to read the file for support information and place the supports in Smart 3D. The software creates a log file, PlacingSupportsFromXLSLog_[Date_Time].txt, in your Temp folder.

For more information on adding custom commands to Smart 3D, see Custom Commands in the Common Help.