Wrap Properties - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports SmartParts Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hangers and Supports
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Smart 3D Version

Enter value for this property to include wrap on the band or ring. The wrap is always centered on the band. The thickness specified is applied to each side of the band.

IJUAhsThickness2::Thickness2 (Optional)

Specifies the thickness of the wrap from the outside of the band to the outside of the wrap. If the value entered is greater than zero, then the wrap is applied with the same thickness on all sides of the band. The wrap extends from the pipe center line up to a distance equal to 0.5 X PipeOD as shown by the grey dimension. If this value is zero, or not defined, then wrap is not seen.

A warning displays if you try to put wrap on J Hanger type parts.