HS_PntrPlateHoleAsp - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports Assemblies

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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Description: Penetration Plate on Pipe with hole aspect
Symbol Name: PipeHgrAssemblies2,Ingr.SP3D.Content.Support.Rules.HolePentrtPlate
Workbook Sheet: HS_PntrPlateHoleAsp
User Class Name: Penetration Plate Support with Hole Aspect
Part Number: HS_G4G_1401_04_H3_Hole
Workbook Name: HS_PenPlateHole.xls
Code list Workbook Name: HS_PenPlateHole_Codelist.xls
Pre-requisite Workbook Names: HS_S3DParts.xls, HS_S3DParts_Codelist.xls, HS_Assembly_V2.xls, HS_Assembly_Codelist.xls

The support has the following three occurrence properties that are related to hole aspect:

  • Hole Aspect Direction - Used to change the direction of the hole aspect.

  • Hole Aspect Thickness - Used to change the thickness of the hole aspect.

  • Hole Aspect Gap - Used to change the gap between hole aspect and pipe or pipe collection.

The default behavior of a support is to connect to the last geometry port of a structure. When you perform a cut operation on a structure, such as placing an opening or a hole, the software connects the support to the port at the cut as shown in the following graphic:

To enable a support to connect to the structure port before cut, implement SupportingPortType property in Custom Support Definition (CSD) or override SupportivePortType property in Assembly Information Rule (AIR) corresponding to the Smart 3D version. For more information on Hole Management, see the Hole Management User's Guide.

By default, all the supports connect to the last port of a structure. The corresponding AIR or CSD must implement the SupportingPortType property.

For support assemblies that contain hole aspect support components, add a condition as specified in the AIR/CSD.

Visual Basic 6.0 Implementation

Ensure that the Visual Basic 6.0 or C++ support AIR implements IJHgrSupportingPortSelection interface. The IJHgrSupportingPortSelection interface has a property that returns HngSupSupportingPortSecection and is of type enum. The HngSupSupportingPortSecection takes the following two values:

  • LastPort = 0

  • PortBeforeCut = 1

If a support implements the AIR IJHgrSupportingPortSelection interface to connect to a structure port before cut, ensure that the interface returns PortBeforeCut value.

Private Property Get IJHgrSupportingPortSelection_SupportingPortType() As HNGSUPSupportServices.HngSupSupportingPortSelection

    IJHgrSupportingPortSelection_SupportingPortType = PortBeforeCut

End Property

.NET Implementation

The .NET CSD must override SupportivePortType property. SupportivePortType returns portBeforeCut value.

public override SupportingPortSelectionType SupportingPortType

       get { return SupportingPortSelectionType.PortBeforeCut; }
