Transform Data Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Geometry Analysis and Repair

Intergraph Smart 3D
Geometry Analysis and Repair
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version

Sets options for transforming data.


Selects objects to transform.


Specifies the transform operation.

  • Scale - Changes the scale of the selected objects.

    • Scale Type - Specifies the type of scaling, Uniform or Non-Uniform.

    • Scale Factor - For uniform scaling, specifies the scale factor value.

    • X Scale Factor, Y Scale Factor, Z Scale Factor - For non-uniform scaling, specifies the scale factor value along each axis.

  • Translate - Moves the selected objects. You define a "from" point and "to" point.

    • From X, From Y, From Z - Specifies coordinates of the "from" point.

    • Pick Vertex Position - Allows you to choose a point in the graphic view to set the "from" coordinate value.

    • To X, To Y, To Z - Specifies coordinates of the "to" point.

    • Pick Vertex Position - Allows you to choose a point in the graphic view to set the "to" coordinate value.

  • Rotate - Turns the selected objects by a variable amount about a global axis in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The origin of the rotation is always the global origin.

    • Rotation Angle - Defines the angle of rotation. The rotation angle is limited to a positive real number between 0 and 90 degrees.

    • Axis - Defines the axis of rotation, which can be the global X, Y, or Z-axis.

    • Rotation Direction - Defines the rotation direction, which is either CW (clockwise) or CCW (counterclockwise) about the selected axis using the right-hand rule.

  • Mirror - Mirrors the selected objects about a plane and optionally, a point.

    • Plane Normal - Specifies the global axis about which the objects mirror.

    • Coordinate - Defines the location along the plane normal axis to serve as the position to mirror about.

    • Pick Vertex Position - Allows you to choose an object in the graphic view to set the coordinate value on the mirror plane.

    • Copy and mirror - Controls whether the selected geometry is mirrored or whether a copy of the geometry is mirrored.


Applies the operation to the selected objects.

Undo Undo

Reverses the operation by replacing the results with the data before the operation was applied. You can modify a setting, re-apply, undo, and repeat until you are satisfied with the results.