Route Conduit Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Electrical

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Creates, models, and extends conduit runs quickly and precisely. Conduit houses and protects cable in the model. Conduit run features and components are driven by constraints, specifications, and catalog data. With this command, you can:

  • Route new conduit in free space

  • Route using an existing conduit run

  • Route conduit in a duct bank

  • Route conduit to or from a feature

  • Insert components on a conduit run

Route Conduit CONCEPT

You define the geometry and properties of a conduit run and add features and components that are driven by specifications and catalogs. There are relationships and concepts that you need to know before you start routing conduit, see Conduits.

By default, the software uses fast mode routing, which means that you do not see elbow or turn graphics while in dynamic display. Press SHIFT+F to toggle fast mode on and off. After you define the conduit run location, the software displays the elbows.

To route using an existing run, we recommend that you first select the appropriate conduit run from the Run box. By adapting this practice, you can avoid:

  • unnecessary activation of the New Conduit Run dialog.

  • creating empty runs or redundant runs.

  • re-work required to delete the empty or redundant runs.

Route Conduit Ribbon

Edit Conduit Branch Feature Ribbon

Edit Conduit Branch Feature Ribbon

Edit Conduit End Feature Ribbon

Edit Conduit Straight Feature Ribbon

Edit Conduit Turn Feature Ribbon

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