Set way features - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Electrical

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)
  1. Click Select .

  2. Select Cable in the Locate filter box, and then select a cable in a graphic view or in the Workspace Explorer.

  3. Click Select Way Features , and pick the cableway or conduit features through which you want the cable routed.

  4. Click AutoRoute .

  5. Click Finish when you are done.

    You can watch the cable passing through the features defined as Way Features.

  • Use Way Features to ensure the auto route feature routes a cable the way you intend. You must have a cable already placed and selected to open the Edit Cable Path ribbon.

  • You need not select the entry and exit points because AutoRoute picks them. However, if there are any numbers of cableways lying in the Maximum Tail range of the equipment, then you might want to select the entry and exit points.

  • A combination of way features and avoidance features can be selected for autorouting cables.

  • AutoRoute finds the shortest route that goes through all selected branch features (way-features) in the order in which they were selected.