Edit Conduit Straight Feature Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Electrical

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Displays options for editing a conduit straight feature.


Displays the Conduit Straight Feature Properties dialog.

Move From

Click to specify the starting location of the move vector. If you do not define a starting point, the software assumes that the current location of the object is the starting point.

Move To

Click to specify the ending location of the move vector.


Activates options for selecting a working plane for the route path. Six options are available:

Plan Plane

Defines the work surface as the XY plane at the depth of the active end. You also can press CTRL+1 to select this option.

Elevation Plane: East-West ( Z Plane: X-Axis)

Defines the work surface as the XZ plane. You also can press CTRL+2 to select this option.

Elevation Plane: North-South ( Z Plane: Y-Axis)

Defines the work surface as the YZ plane. You also can press CTRL+3 to select this option.

Plane by Turn/Branch

Defines the work surface as the plane defined by an existing turn or branch. You select the turn or branch to set the plane. You also can press CTRL+4 to select this option.

Plane by Three Points

Defines the work surface using three points that you define. You also can press CTRL+5 to select this option.

No Plane

Clears any work surfaces. The software does not project points that you place to any plane. You also can press CTRL+6 to select this option.


Displays the name of the conduit run with which the selected conduit is associated. You can select another conduit run if necessary.

<New Conduit Run> displays the New Conduit Run dialog. Use this option to create a new conduit run.

<Select Graphically> allows you to select an existing run in a graphic view, or the Workspace Explorer.

<Load More Runs> loads all the runs that belong to the parent system. This option is not available after you load all the runs, or if the parent system contains less than 200 runs.

More displays the Select Conduit dialog. Use this option to select a conduit run that is associated with a different conduit system.


Displays the short code associated with the selected conduit. The Type list also contains the short codes associated with any other conduit defined in the specification for the current nominal diameter. Selecting an entry from the Type list replaces the selected conduit with one of a different type.


Displays the option of the selected conduit. The Option list also contains any options defined in the specification for the short code selected in the Type box. Selecting another entry from the Option list updates the object accordingly.

Lock Length

Defines whether the length of the selected conduit should remain constant while moving.

When locked , the software automatically modifies the turn points, along with the length and angle of adjacent straight features, to remain connected to the moved leg. The length of the moved leg does not change.

When not locked , the software extends or shortens the associated legs to connect with the new position of the moved conduit. The length of the moved leg can change. Any component on the moved conduit maintains its relative position from the conduit ends.


Controls the SmartSketch offset constraint. Type the distance that you want to offset the conduit that you are editing. Select <Disabled> if you do not want to use the offset constraint. Select Set Offset Reference to define the reference point. See Set Offset Reference Dialog (Conduit).

Max Fill

Displays the percent maximum fill of the conduit straight feature. This button is enabled if the conduit contains cable. You can click this button to depress it, and the software will highlight the area with the maximum fill on the conduit in the model.