Define Cableway Bend Radius - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Electrical Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
  1. Open the Ductbank.xls workbook.

  2. Select the CableWayBendRadius sheet.

  3. Select a row after the Start keyword but before the End keyword and click Insert > Rows.

  4. In the Spec Name column, type the duct bank specification to which to assign bend radii.

  5. In the Bend Radius column, type the bend radii that you want to associate with the specification.

  6. Type A in the first column of the added rows.

  7. Save the workbook and exit.

  8. Bulk load the workbook in the Add/Modify/Delete mode.

  • For more information about each column, see Cableway Bend Radius.

  • The cableway specification must be defined on the Cableway Spec sheet.

See Also

Cableway Bend Radius