Edit Layout Template Command (Tools Menu) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Opens a drawing layout template in SmartSketch Drawing Editor for editing. You can then assign the template to a set of border templates that can be used with the layout template (a border family). After you specify a border family, the layout template opens in SmartSketch Drawing Editor for modification. This command displays the Select Layout Template dialog box, which lists the available templates.

Select Layout Template Dialog Box

Select Border Family Dialog Box

You can create a new layout template or edit an existing layout template. For more information, see Create Border and Layout Templates and Edit a Layout Template.

When a layout template is open in SmartSketch Drawing Editor, you can place drawing regions, views, and reports, edit the border family, and preview the layout against the border templates. For more information on the commands available, see Drawing Compose Toolbar in SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.

  • Layout templates are available when you create composed drawings in a 3D task using the Tools > Drawing Console command. For more information, see Composed Drawings.

  • The selected templates and layout styles for the Edit Layout Template command cannot be read-only. To edit the template and style permissions, contact your administrator.

  • The drawing area is the area on a border template in which you place views. Each border template has a drawing area. When you create new drawings, a layout template and a border template merge together to form the new drawing. A single view layout arrangement works with multiple border sizes. For more information on using layouts with borders, see Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu).