Hide the Place Label QAD command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

You must have administrator rights to configure the Place Label QAD Ribbon or edit any shortcuts.

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to SharedContent\Drawings\Catalog\Preferences, and then open DrawingsEditorSettings.xml in a text editor.

  2. Locate the Preferences node and set the PlaceLabelQAD isEnabled value to 0, as shown below. The Place Label QAD PlaceLabelQAD command does not display in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor. Setting the value to 1 displays the Place Label QAD PlaceLabelQAD command in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor.


  3. Save and close the XML file.